Tuesday, August 1, 2017

N45B newspaper secret codes ..... the Manhattan Project battles of Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON 26 electrons and their sub-levels played out on Feb 26, 1993 at the World Trade Center basement sub-levels ... using a bomb to generate Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations for a echo signature THAT is LINKED to the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin in a Tallahassee wormhole /grave hole with IBM IMS worm data segments

N-paper analysis ( N45B)  by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .

List of topics covered

* electron shells
* Manhattan project battle on Feb 26,1993 and the cover-up and incomplete explanations
* Feb 26 bomb at the World Trade center in the basement sub-levels

* Fe = ferrous oxide IRON atom and  26 electron sub-levels and the 26 atomic iron English alphabet and its several language /linguistic levels and dictionaries
VS  the  confused  Fe = Female English majors  and their  control of the male
 Fe= Federal government of BEDROOM  hip and  leg ...
 LEG.al thinkers    on      citizens.HIP

* The bombing  of the WORLD Center ... basement sub-levels
* generators ... and William Feller data generating EVENTS (moment generating functions)
* agency and representation theory
* Dylann Roof  ...generate roof / PROOF
* Shelby North Carolina (NC)  and their  OXYGEN electron shell bytes DEMO
explained by Chief Leford and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

* Paul Dirac at atomic DATABASE coffin     at Tallahassee  at the
RoseLawn earth wormhole /grave hole known  as a Rosen-Einstein
communications bridge site  .....
of the Nikola Tesla underground EARTH vibrations

* generators and sub-levels of the EARTH geology .. ..... WORLD  wireless signaling system
as explained by the  World Trade  Center  generated DATABASE
using a bomb to generate Nikola Tesla earth vibrations and an echo signature .....

Wojciech    Braszczok  .....New York City deep  undercover agent .....
Two...echo  -->  links to the CZ.echo of Europe and
the echo of okeECHObee, Florida

that echo message is ....  amplified / message  gain
by the University of Florida at  Gainsville -->

that LINKs to the Paul Dirac underground coffin of  Dirac electron orbitals ...
 .......  buried within the  atomic  earth  ....energy  ..SOIL/clay ......
.....ac--> alternating cycles / oscillations .sin waves ...

* Carl Jung collectives  ...... human Protein Machines and the sub-consciousness ...
LINK to the sub-continent of INDIA

* Nikola Tesla and earth sub-levels

* Paul Dirac  and his IBM  atomic-IMS database  with data segments is buried
in the  COMPUTER EARTH  .....  Tallahassee earth soil/ wormhole 6 feet deep  .....
thus the Paul Dirac IMS body of knowledge contained in the coffin  ......
is comprised  of   wormhole  ..... worm data segments .......
thus eligible for IMS database segments and the SSA ..Segment search argument

* Symbol Machine and the base 16 coffin equation LINK to the afterlife dimension
as outlined by the 11-dimensions of M-string theory
* Underground railroad
* data pipelines
* Nikola Tesla and the copper roof/ church steeple/ antenna of St.Bernard's
in Watertown Wisconsin and the Wardencyffe Towers MODEL

* Waco Texas cycle wars
* sort/merge data records
* Radio head and bio-radio
* eye rods and cones
* arrays and matrices..... Rice Lake math / matrices battle site
* Max Planck TIME with number 43 and
the TIME HIGHWAY battle at I-43 Milwaukee
* Time of day clock every 143 years
* earth daily rotation and centrifugal force
* Vincent van Gogh chops off ear on  Dec 23,1888 .....
 Tropic of Cancer latitude 23.5 message

* the IRON LADY  and the Falklands WAR  ..repeated
.the IRON GEAR company ...... FALK war explosion in Milwaukee 2006
* Hawking
* Boy Scout  ....  Sam Hengel murder
* Sand Hook shooting
* amino acid battles and  Earth atmosphere  OXYGEN Orders VIA
 humans named OO Amish

* Hubble astronomy and Hubbleton Wisconsin
* impedance
* potassium  and BOOK 1919  and the BOOK bombing on April 19,1995
* SECRET CODE--> Antarpara
* copper 65 wire
* the Great  Seal code .......  one out of many
* the seal and  the Tylenol  murders ordered by acetylcholine molecules
* Monticello
* Computer Earth instructions ---> Execute STORE CLOCK
* retail store shootings /executions  ........
West Road mall shooting and the Cascade Mall shooting

* Boston running clock PROBLEMS
* SET Clock and the state of Massachusetts
* Bay State and the Sam Shepard TRIAL
* States of MIND
* the Federal government  death sentence  given to brain calculus  derivatives  DZ
* the death sentence of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev transferred to Los Angeles airport DEATH site

* the Bay State rigged Marathon trial and violations of
 Bayesian statistics and Bayesian BAY  states

* Big Bang

* Bethesda Lu (logical unit)  Lutheran Home in Watertown
and the deliberate intellectual decisions to destroy
the   feeble  minded FARM / agriculture system LU  site  for molecule education
 VIA physical rote farm activity  with 4-legged dairy cows, etc ......
LINK to the Hayawaka  .....  Bessie the Cow method of brain education
 VIA actual reality  experience

* Bethesda LU  ,,,,,,, Vsam ESDA  and LU errors  and the data pipeline
of Pipersville   /Watertown  and base 16 Hexadecimal  highway 16

* Pulse nightclub shooting
* Gabby Giffords gravity field shooting
* No-Hair theorem
* Lee Smolin explains Polish plane crash at Smolin
* the shooting of Norberg by 2nd Street in Milwaukee
* Planck  Time I-43 shooting and Plankinton Avenue  codes for the Atomic Bulletin
* Diane Borchardt rigged trial  on  waves .......  Neighborhood wars
* Timepieces and wrist  watches
* Microeletcronics  and ROE VS Wade
* Salvador Dali year 1943 Geopolitical
* Margaret   Mead atomic families
* North Park elementary school .......  elementary physics shooting
* Pier Oddone
* Pope Benedict 16 ..base 16
* NFL pro bowl  of proton agents
* communication disease \
* code word ...WiMax
*  Z-axis murders explained by Zachery Zaborek
* Mark Totzke
* Maxwell equations
* Time number 43 fire-fight message
* Louis De Broglie WAR in St.Louis /Ferguson and Michael Brown
* Brownian Motion  and uranium 92
* ice-berg model of Sigmund Freud
* code name ...Curt ..... Cu = Copper and the Route 29 murders
* Ohm's Law of Resistance in VIR
* Cardinal numbers
* Skin Walkers
* DNA stacks  and Joe Stack age 53 ..... stack computer WAR
* Stacks, HEAPS, Code  ....... demo at the Echelon Bldg  in Austin with IRS code  ......
 .......  Heap of rubble of air plane crash
* Haroon Khan and the 2006 silver Mitsubshi automobile
* BEV ......  Billion electron votes of volts
* Abstract algebra rings
* Jamie Kirk Hahn and Nation Hahn
* blood math ..bio-math  number 100  and the CO2 mass 44 gives code number 144
* Carbon dioxide
* Dr.WHO time
* Ed Witten and the Zwitterion communication problem
* Nitrogen
* the year 1933 Nobel prize .. Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac
* Dirac Matrices and Rice Lake,
 Wisconsin sin wave matrices BATTLE of coffin databases

* the right triangle base 16 computer
* Jimmy Durante durable good messages
* cotton pants with flies /zipper and  airline FLY codes
* Michael Brown
* proper nouns and the name wars ..Vietnamese war
* eye / optical nerve LANGUAGE wars
* eye rods and cones
* television .......  Coneheads and RodneyDangerfield
* angstroms and wavelengths
* gravity waves and thoughts
* eye cones WAR explained by Mullin's ice cream cone store
in Watertown, Wiscon..sin  .......  sin wave region

* the EM field murder of Haroon Khan at Emmet Township
* Travis Zoellick  EM equation
* Adam Raney explains eye rods
* Wilson Hall fermilab
* complex math functions..power series
* Chicago circle campus  ..the inner circle
* DNA twist
* Gonzilla and the God Particle --> Godzilla
* the Galatians   ....  Pier Oddone
* Paul Dirac math array code --> Mary
* Tom M. Apostle explains   the calculus   MAPS link to Calcutta India

Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .

This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article.

Electron shell - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An electron shell is the outside part of an atom around the atomic nucleus. It is a group of atomic orbitals with the same value of the principal quantum number n. Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.

The periodic table, electron shells, and orbitals (article) | Khan Academy

In general, atoms are most stable, least reactive, when their outermost electron shell is full. Most of the elements important in biology need eight electrons in their ...

Electron shell - Wikipedia

In chemistry and atomic physics, an electron shell, or a principal energy level, may be thought of as an orbit followed by electrons around an atom's nucleus.

Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.
Electron shells have one or more electron subshells, or sublevels.
Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels

Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels  BATTLE .
Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels.
Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels Manhattan Project  war 

Manhattan Project started
in year 1942 (even integer) and 1943 (odd integer) - Wikipedia

Manhattan Project emblem (unofficial) The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada.

Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels  BATTLE  in Manhattan.
Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels.
Electron shells have one or more electron sublevels on February 26, 1993

February 26, 1993
February 26, 1993
February 26 .....93
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom with 26 electrons 
with 26 atomic English alphabet letters

1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below ...

World Trade Center Bombing in 1993 - AwesomeStories

On Friday, February 26, 1993, a violent explosion ripped through a parking garage
in the sub-basement levels of New York's World Trade Center complex, ...

1993 World Trade Center bombing - Wikipedia

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, .... The bomb opened a 30-m (98 ft) 

wide hole through four sublevels of ...

 have blown, before it became clear that a bomb had exploded in the basement.

World Trade Center - New World Encyclopedia

World Trade Center was the world's tallest building from 1972 to 1973.* .... mast, and in the basement of the complex, The Mall at the World Trade Center was ...
generators located in the sublevels of the towers 
and on the roof of 5 WTC

generators located in the sublevels of the towers 

and on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof  .......

represented by Mr. ROOF

Agency (sociology) - Wikipedia

In social science, agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their ... Immanuel Kant expanded on this theory by stating that the only way to truly become self-aware is to engage with the outside world.

Agency (philosophy) - Wikipedia

Agency is the capacity of an actor to act in a given environment. The capacity to act does not at ... The philosophical discipline in charge of studying agency is action theory. In certain philosophical traditions (particularly those established by ...

Representationalism - By Branch / Doctrine - The Basics of Philosophy

www.philosophybasics.com › By Branch / Doctrine › Epistemology
Representationalism (also known as Representative Realism or Indirect Realism or Epistemological Dualism or the Representative Theory of Perception) is the philosophical position that the world we see in conscious experience is not the real world itself, but merely a miniature virtual-reality replica of that world in ...

Dylann Roof jury:  rigged information TRIAL  ....
death penalty for Charleston church shooter - CNN ...

Jan 10, 2017 - Twelve federal jurors said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people in a 2015 ... Chilling moments from Dylann Roof's trial.

'Closure:' Chief Ledford reflects on Roof's arrest in Shelby, NC  - News ...

Jan 11, 2017 - A chance encounter with convicted mass murderer Dylann Roof ... 74 West, forever tying the small North Carolina town to the mass shooting.

Chief Ledford reflects on Roof's arrest in Shelby, NC 

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,

16 oxygen orbitals in human LUNG  containers  at  Pennsylvania Avenue

approve of the rigged TRIAL of Dylann Proof  .... Proof of roof 

White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington ...

www.loc.gov › ... › Prints & Photographs Online Catalog

Title: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC; Other Title: White House (President's Park) The Executive ...


generators located in the sublevels of the towers 

and on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington ...

www.loc.gov › ... › Prints & Photographs Online Catalog

Title: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC; Other Title: White House (President's Park) The Executive ...

Shelby, North Carolina - Wikipedia

Shelby is a city in and the county seat of Cleveland County, North Carolina, United States. It lies near the western edge of the Charlotte combined statistical area.

Things to do in Shelby .........  electron shell byte EXPRESSION region 

 , North Carolina | Facebook

Discover Shelby, North Carolina with the help of your friends. Search for restaurants, hotels, museums and more.

Shelby, NC - Shelby, North Carolina .....
atomic language Map & Directions on how to
bull-shit and brag  about human BRAIN supremacy
incomplete explanations of tragic signaling EVENTS

created by Nature's moment generating / data generating functions as explained by William Feller  ...... Probability  textbook

- MapQuest

Get directions, maps, and traffic for Shelby, NC. Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit.

Dylann Roof generates Nature's systems
........... Proof ................. Wikipedia


Dylann Storm Roof (born April 3, 1994) is an American terrorist and white supremacist convicted of perpetrating the Charleston church shooting. During a prayer ...

World Traitor  ... Trade  Center - New World Encyclopedia

World Trade Center was the world's tallest building from 1972 to 1973.* .... mast, and in the basement of the complex, The Mall at the World Trade Center was ...
generators located in the sublevels of the towers 
and on the roof of 5 WTC

--->  5  graphic arts = S -->

Systems World Thought Control   .....
Nature's systems with atomic social science thoughts
human BS and nonsense 

The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul ...

activerain.com › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate
Sep 25, 2011 - A senior FSU Physicist said, 'To have Paul Dirac here, would be like the English faculty recruiting Shakespeare.' In 1971, Physicist Paul Adrien ...

Paul Dirac - Wikipedia

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and 

his atomic DATABASE was buried
at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery with its earth wormhole/grave hole ...... Rose ..... Rosen-Einstein communications bridge facilities.

Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...

 the world's tallest building ..... and tall Paul Dirac
 the world's tallest building 
 the world's tallest intellectual  SYMBOL & CONCEPT building in Tallahassee 


A grave hole is also known as ...an earth soil / clay  ..... wormhole 

Below, the earth wormhole ..... a mathematical-physics description of  grave  holes used to
bury human electron orbital DATABASES
in information container / coffins

that ... then interface .......
with the Nikola Tesla underground world
of EARTH  vibrations and signaling systems 

the basement of the complex,
the basement of the complex,
the basement of the complex,
the basement of the complex math functions .......  6 feet underground 


generators located in the sublevels of the towers 

and on the roof 

The Real Story Behind the 'Roof of the World' and
 Dylann Roof  information rigged trial - Live Science

https://www.livescience.com › Planet Earth
Aug 21, 2008 - It's called the "Roof of the World" with good reason

Levels of EARTH awareness and consciousness

Subconsciousness | Define Subconsciousness at Dictionary.com


subconsciousness definition. The part of the psyche just below consciousness and capable of bursting into consciousness. For example, a repressed sexual desire is part of our subconsciousness, although we may at some time become conscious of it. Note: The subconscious is not the same as the unconscious.

Subconsciousness  and the
WORLD group mind  and its  subconsciousness ....   represented by the

sub-continent of India,
the 4-legged PROTEIN MACHINE Holy Cow
and its protein THOUGHT machine extension .....
the 2-legged people  ......  

thus the  PROTEIN THOUGHT relationship and 

why the Hindu's do not EAT cow / beef.

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 

generators located on the roof 
generators located on the roof  .. the EARTH geography surface level of human conscious activity
and  science LAB RD experiments, etc.

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...

 the earth returns an "echo signature" 
 the earth returns an "echo signature"the earth returns  an "echo signature"

generators located on the roof  .......
the earth geography surface ...  as a
visible information display surface with
office buildings,
4-wheeled automobiles, trees and forests,  animals and birds and humans ... etc 


generators located in the sublevels
generators located in the
generators located in the sublevels

Paul Dirac - Wikipedia


Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made .....
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and

his atomic IMS   DATABASE  was buried
at the COMPUTER EARTH site .......
Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery  in  an
earth soil/clay geological  wormhole.

Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...

IMS V13 - Appl. programming - Segment search arguments (SSAs) - IBM

Segment search arguments (SSAs) specify information for IMS™ to use in processing a DL/I call. ... A DL/I call with one or more SSAs is a qualified call, and a DL/I call without SSAs is an unqualified call. ... The C command and a segment occurrence's concatenated key can be substituted ..

IMS V13 - Appl. programming - SSA coding rules - IBM

Use the following rules for coding a segment search argument. ... The last command code must be followed by a blank unless the SSA contains a qualification statement. If the SSA contains a qualification statement, the command code must be followed by the left parenthesis of the ...

IMS V13 -  Computer EARTH  .... Applications  programming -
Segment search arguments (SSAs) - IBM

The earthworm is made of about 100-150 segments. The segmented body parts provide important structural functions. Segmentation can help the earthworm move. Each segment or section has muscles and bristles called setae. The bristles or setae help anchor and control the worm when moving through soil.

Earthworms - Penn Arts and Sciences


The earthworm is made of about 100-150 segments. 
The segmented body parts of Paul Dirac provide important structural functions.
Segmentation and Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations  can help the earth  (DATA) worms move.

Each segment or section has muscles and bristles called setae  (set  atomic earth)......

with the bristles.....  special Symbol Machine LINK to

Dirac's childhood home in Bristol and his bio-sensor electronics profile
Dirac's childhood home in Bristol
Dirac's childhood home in Bristol ........
,,,,,ac ..alternating cycles  / oscillations / sin wave LINKS to the EARTH energy vibrations
and the worm that crawls /moves with its sin wave functions.

The bristles or setae help anchor and control the worm when moving through soil.

IMS V13 - Database administration - Root segment - IBM


Only one root segment exists within a database record. All other segments in the database record are called dependent segments.

Databases and segments - IBM

IMS uses a hierarchical model as the basic method of storing data. ... The segment with no parent segment, that is, the one at the top, is called the root segment.

hexadecimal  base  16  keyword  --> coffin   
--> co  + ff  + in -->  
code .... Hex'ff' = 255 = high-values ..... input to the AF ..AFTERLIFE region .......
one of the 11 expression or format dimensions ....
of M-string theory of  Sartre and existential physics

--> co  + ff  + in -->  

code .... Hex'ff' = 255 = high-values ........

CMS (Content Management System) ..... and the

Paul Dirac grave/ earth wormhole  ......
with  IMS .... DATA worm segments   

World Wireless System - Wikipedia

The World Wireless System was a turn of the 20th century proposed telecommunications delivery system designed by inventor Nikola Tesla based on his theories of using Earth .....

 point-to-point wireless telecommunications and broadcasting
 He made public statements citing two related methods to accomplish this from the mid-1890s on. By the end of 1900 he had convinced banker J. P. Morgan to finance construction of a wireless station...

Data Language Interface - Wikipedia

Data Language Interface is the language system used to access IBM's IMS databases, and its ... When accessing a database segment the application program also uses an SSA (Segment Search Argument) as a parameter, to specify the ...

code number 1926 ...... 
EARTH information highway numbers 19 and 26 .....

On Wisconsin: Landmark church gets copper roof  ANTENNA steeple .....
in $1.2 million makeover in ...

Nov 20, 2011 - The addition of 12-by-7-inch copper shingles to the St. Bernard's Catholic Church's spire has made this Watertown ... revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of Milwaukee and Hunzinger Construction of Brookfield.

Wardenclyffe signaling Tower  parallel at
St. Bernards copper roof
.......  signaling tower

- Wikipedia

Jump to Post-Tesla era - ... preservation organization supported by The Oatmeal purchased the land in 2013 with hopes to create a museum to Tesla ...

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe » 

The History of Wardenclyffe and
........................................cly ----> Clyman Wisconsin
..................................................................................sin wave functions

Wardenclyffe Laboratory and Tower, 1917 (view of the north entrance). In 1901, Tesla purchased 200 acres on Long Island's north shore from James Warden.

A higher power with Nikola Tesla ......
Watertown copper roof and Cylman
EARTH iron core atomic number 26   ......
EARTH geography surface highway 26 

– The Daily Reporter – WI Construction News & Bids

dailyreporter.com › photo
Oct 21, 2011 - Crews work from scaffolding set up around St. Bernard Catholic Church's steeple to affix copper roofing Wednesday in Watertown. Langer ...

Highway 16 and Highway 19  ......
coulomb equation to
the St.Bernard's TESLA copper antenna
.... Earth systems ....  message Tower  

Tesla predicted smartphones in 1926
Business Insider

- Business Insider
- Business Insider
- ....sin wave continuum  ......  Insider

Jul 6, 2015 - In a 1926 interview, inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla predicted that smartphones would exist today and that women would eventually ...

Tesla predicted smartphones in 1926
 Business Insider

- Business Insider
- Business Insider
- ....sin wave cycles ... continuum  ......  Insider 

...  cycle wars in WACO

2015 Waco cycle WARs  played out with motorcycles

 - Wikipedia

On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where .... Wayne Lee "Sidetrack" Campbell, 43, Cossack, shot in the head and torso. Richard Matthew "Chain" Jordan, III, 31, Cossack, shot in the head. Richard ...

The Road To Waco: A Deadly Biker Shooting Years In The Making : NPR

Apr 7, 2016 - The deadly shootout between the Bandidos Motorcycle Club and the Cossacks Motorcycle Club in Waco, Texas, in May 2015 raised questions 

Motorcycle Club 
Motorcycle Club 
 .........cycle Club 

codes --> Cos(w,t)  application  -->  Cossacks (Waco, Texas) 

sort — Start the sort-merge utility - IBM

sort implements a full sort-and-merge utility. By default, it sorts according to all the information in the record, in the order given in the record. sort operates on input files containing records that are separated by the newline character.

Code--> Governor Rod Blagojevich  --> Rod
--> eye rods and cones........  optical software  WAR messages 

Matrices and Arrays - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks

https://www.mathworks.com › Documentation Home › Getting Started with MATLAB
MATLAB operates primarily on arrays and matrices, both in whole and in part.

what is the difference between matrix and array in the meaning and ...

Jul 29, 2014 - i want to know the difference between the matrix and array in terms of the meaning and function , if any one will answer please with an example ...

Array vs. Matrix Operations - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks

https://www.mathworks.com › ... › Operators and Elementary Operations › Arithmetic
MATLAB® has two different types of arithmetic operations: array operations and matrix operations. ... Array operations execute element by element operations on corresponding elements of vectors, matrices, and multidimensional arrays. ... For example, you can compute the element-wise ...

Chapter 9 - Arrays and Matrices | True BASIC

www.truebasic.com › True BASIC v6 Manual - Silver
An array may contain either string or numeric values, but a given array may not ... This chapter introduces the basics of arrays and matrices, as well as several ...


.......rice --> Rice Lake shooting over Dirac Matrices


ST.Paul (Dirac) agent Vang

10 years ago, 6 deer hunters slain in woods of western Wisconsin ...

Nov 20, 2014 - People gather at a picnic in Hunters Memorial Park in Rice Lake, Wis., ... Chai Soua Vang, a hunter and reported military sharpshooter from St.

'Tree Stand Murders': Chai Vang's WI deer hunter killings

Mar 21, 2015 - Chai Soua Vang, 36, of St. Paul, looks back as people leave a ... The library of Rice Lake was very generous to allow us to use a private room ...

Vang --> V + ang  --->  Vector angle

Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded.

Although Vang acknowledged that he committed a shooting, there is significant dispute regarding the chain of events that caused the situation to become violent, with evidence indicating that Vang was being followed and called racial slurs by the shooting victims.

Vang trial begins in Hayward | News | chippewa.com

HAYWARD -- A Hmong deer hunter on trial for murder felt physically threatened ... But a prosecutor said Chai Soua Vang opened fire because he was angry the ...

Vector and tensor analysis  rigged information TRIAL in Hayward 

 by G. E. Hay. 

- Version details - Trove

Vector and tensor analysis /​ by G. E. Hay. Author. Hay, G. E.. Published. New York : Dover Publications, [1953]. Physical Description. viii, 193 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

 who lived in
ST. Paul (Dirac) region of  Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]

Gun battle on the Planck TIME Highway I-43

code name --> Vincent  -->

Van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 - HISTORY.com

On this day in 1888, Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, suffering from severe depression, cuts off the lower part of his left ear with a razor while staying in Arles, ...

Van Gogh's Ear - Vincent van Gogh Gallery

Outside of his paintings, when people think of van Gogh they think of his ear - or lack thereof. In February 1888, Vincent moved to Arles to begin his dream of starting an artist colony, painting in the south of France in a more direct light. He loved the landscape, the light, and the people.

The Real Story Behind van Gogh's Severed Ear - ABC News

May 5, 2009 - He's known as the tortured genius, who cut off his own ear, but two German ... now claim that the famous painter Vincent van Gogh lost his ear in a fight ... he had a row with Gauguin one evening shortly before Christmas 1888.

Van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 - GROUP MIND message

Van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 -  disconnected body /brain message

Vincent Van Gogh chops off earth - Dec 23 ---> 
......centrifugal force bio-physics   ..... disconnected from REALITY

 Van Gogh chops off earth - Dec 23 --->  mesage 23.5 latitude

2006 Falk Corporation explosion  ........
parallel ........     Falkland Islands WAR repeated
 - Wikipedia

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley ...

2006 ..... the IRON LADY  and 

Falk  Land Islands WAR 2

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex.

Falklands War  repeated in Milwaukee 

- Wikipedia

Jump to Recapture of South Sandwich Islands - The Falklands War also known as the Falklands Conflict, Falklands Crisis, South Atlantic Conflict, and the ...

Falkland Islands War, also called Falklands War, Malvinas War, or South Atlantic War, a brief undeclared war fought between Argentina and Great Britain in 1982 over control of the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) and associated island dependencies. ... In early 1982 the Argentine .

Murdered Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular

Nov 30, 2010 - Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. Good student, loved to hunt and fish, well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty ...
Nov 30, 2010 - His family described Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, loved his iTouch and was an avid outdoorsman.

Sandy Hook Elementary School  .........
TIME CUT battle  - Wikipedia

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children ...

5 Disturbing Things We Learned Today About TIME wars
and the Sand Hour glass message  ...

abcnews.go.com › US
Nov 21, 2014 - Two years after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, Connecticut's Office of the Child Advocate released a report today detailing the ...

Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: What happened? -
CNN bull-shit explanation 

Twenty-six people -- 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14. ... At some point before he went to the school, investigators believe Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother, Nancy Lanza. ... Twenty students ...

Sandy Hook Elementary shooting:
What happened in amino acid EDUCATION systems ? - CNN.com

Twenty-six people -- 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14. .

 20 students 
 20 students 
 20 students  with amino acid SOFTWARE  language defects 

Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA

https://lancasterpa.com › The Amish
When local police broke into the one-room Amish schoolhouse they found 10 Amish girls ages 6-13 had been shot by Charles Carl Roberts IV, who had then ...

'The happening': 10 years after the Amish shooting | US news | The ...

https://www.theguardian.com › US News › Pennsylvania
Oct 2, 2016 - On 2 October 2006, 10 Amish girls were shot in their school house. Five died and five survived – and their families immediately bestowed their ...

On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School, an Amish one-room schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.[1][2][3] Gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five, before committing suicide in the schoolhouse.[1][2][3][4] The emphasis on forgiveness and reconciliation in the response of the Amish community was widely discussed in the national media.

The West Nickel Mines School data site was destroyed
to cover-up education scheme information .....
and a new one-room schoolhouse was built on a SYMBOL MACHINE / LANGUAGE foundation  of  language and semantics  lies, nonsense, and errors 

schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community 

schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community 
schoolhouse in the O.... Order Am  ..... 

schoolhouse in the O.... Order Am  ..... 
schoolhouse in the Oxygen   Order Atomic mass   
violations  of Margaret Mead atomic family laws  .... 
by citizens and the federal government

code --> KK is equivalent to 19 and 19 --> implies book 1919 

On April 19, 1995   BOOK

On Ap.....19   19 .... BOOK

....Map    19    19     BOO OK

....Map    19    19     BOO/ scare  OKay/approved

....Map    19    19     BOO OK

....Map    19    19     BOO OKlahoma 

Oklahoma City book bombing - 

Facts & Summary of  university English department cover-ups
about the  set-up process  and murder of Timothy McVeigh(t) -



On April 19, 1995,
a truck-bomb explosion 
outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. ... Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19, 1995. At 9:02 a.m., a rental truck packed with explosives detonated in front of the ...

secret code name --> Antarpara  

--> An + ant + ar + parallel 

Atomic number (social) anthropology area parallel

Below map ----> Calcutta and Bangladesh  

parallel ......  cal.CUT and connect.CUT  
and the Boston bang on April 15,2013

IBM Basic assembly language and successors - Wikipedia

Basic Assembly Language (BAL
is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.

       code words ---> wiry 65 --> copper wire atomic mass 65 

Cu = copper for the city of electricity

Copper-65 Metal Isotope | AMERICAN ELEMENTS ®

Copper 65 Metal (Copper-65) is a stable (non-radioactive) isotope of Copper. See above table for ENSDF Citation and Half Life. It is both naturally occurring and ...
Aug 8 - Sep 2
St Charles of Aix-Marseille ...

E pluribus unum - Wikipedia

E pluribus unum (/ˈiː ˈpluːrᵻbəs ˈuːnəm/; Latin: [ˈeː ˈpluːrɪbʊs ˈuːnũː])—Latin for "Out of many, one" (alternatively translated as "One out of many" or "One from many") — is a 13-letter traditional motto of the United States of America and of the city of Monguagá in Brazil, appearing on the Great Seal along with ...
E Pluribus Unum describes an action: Many uniting into one. An accurate translation of the motto is "From Many, One" or Out of Many, One" – a phrase that ...

How the Tylenol murders of 1982 changed the way we consume - PBS

Sep 29, 2014 - These packaging protections soon became the industry standard for all over-the-counter ... Sadly, the tragedies that resulted from the Tylenol poisonings can never be undone. .... The safety-seal was invented to regain trust.

How the atomic / molecular  English  living language
of the living Constitution ......created the  

acetylcholine  neuroscience molecule ACTIONS .... code
..... tyl ---> SYMBOL MACHINE message link  code .....
thus Darwin selection  of the proper noun .....

BRAND NAME  ..... tyl --> tylenol  for Nature's creation ......
 of the neurotransmitter tragic signaling  message 


 ConsTylenol murders of 1982 changed the way we consume - PBS

Sep 29, 2014 - These packaging protections soon became the industry standard for all over-the-counter ... Sadly, the tragedies that resulted from the Tylenol poisonings can never be undone. .... The safety-seal was invented to regain trust.

Extra Strength 
Extra Strength  Tylenol.
Extra Strength  Tylenol.
Extra Strength  Tyl   
Extra Strength  ace.Tyl.choline  military  SOFTWARE for the
Monticello  Constitution   .....
Mo.... cell --> 

Molecular cell biology  

Monticello  and the Constitution   .....
Mo.... cell --> 

Molecular cell biology  Constitution

keywords--> execution of STORE CLOCK .....

therefore ...execution /death at retail stores 

Westroads Mall execution JOB ...  death orders .....

execution of STORE CLOCK

 - Wikipedia

The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at a Von Maur department store in Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska.

Systems IBM System/370 Principles of Operation

Principles of Operation. The IBM System/370 is a data processing system that ..... successive executions of STORE CLOCK
do not provide the same clock value

... (instruction 
... (instruction execution)
... (instruction execution)
... (instruction execution)

2016 Cascade Mall execution of STORE Clock .....
consequently the shooting - Wikipedia

On September 23, 2016, five people were killed in a mass shooting at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington, U.S. The gunman was identified as Arcan ...
Killings · ‎Victims · ‎Legal proceedings · ‎Suspect

Boston Marathon  running clock ...  problems  --> bombing - Wikipedia

On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, ...

Massachusetts State Information - Symbols, Capital, Constitution ...

Mass.........set --> atomic mass SET Clock is executed
on April 15, 2013
 ..  executing / killing 3 people


Massachusetts information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps,
bull-stories, schemes, rackets, lies.
constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees.
Land‎: ‎7,838 sq.mi. (20,300 sq.km.), 45th
Nickname‎: ‎Bay State
Area‎: ‎10,555 sq.mi (27,337 sq.km.), 44th
Origin of State Name‎: ‎Based on the Algonquin ..

Massachusetts  .....  the Bay State- Wikitravel

Massachusetts [1] is a state in the New England region of the United States of America. Massachusetts is known as "The Bay State" because of its three large ...
Area‎: ‎27,336 km2
Language‎: ‎English(No official language)
Electricity‎: ‎120V/60Hz (North American plug)

Massachusetts  .....  the Bay State-

Sam Sheppard's rigged TRIAL .....
murder case files and exhibits are now online - and ...

Jul 2, 2014 - Dr. Sam Sheppard, his wife Marilyn and their son Sam Reese Sheppard
 at their Bay Village home by Cleveland, Ohio.
Marilyn Sheppard was killed on July 4, 1954 ...

Samuel Holmes "Sam" Sheppard, D.O. (December 29, 1923 – April 6, 1970) was a Bay Village, Ohio neurosurgeon initially convicted for the 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard. 
On the night of July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993)[1] on Lake Erie at 28944 Lake Road[2] in Bay Village, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, just west of the city.

The property itself abutted the shore of Lake Erie, near the west end of Huntington Reservation. While they were watching the movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.

In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her bed with an unknown instrument. The bedroom was covered with blood spatter and drops of blood were found on floors throughout the house

Massachusetts | Geography & History | Britannica.com

..................set state 

Massachusetts: constituent state of the United States of America. It was one of the original 13 states and is one of the 6 New England states lying in the ...

brain computer STATES ..... enter the STOPPED STATE

Massachusetts | Death Penalty Information Center

In Commonwealth v. Colon-Cruz (1984), the Massachusetts law that enabled capital punishment was ruled unconstitutional on the grounds that it was not applied fairly, since only defendants who went to trial were eligible; this excluded defendants who plead guilty.

..................set   CLOCK  execution  for DzhoKhar Tsarnaev 

..................set   CLOCK  execution  for DzhoKhar Tsarnaev 

The Carmen Ortiz .... Federal DEATH SENTENCE in Boston
 is transferred to  the
Los Angles Spanish Language BS community 

Man / manuscript instructions agent   ....   who killed TSA officer
at LAX in 2013 pleads guilty and avoids ...

Sep 6, 2016 - LAX shooter pleads guilty, avoid death penalty. ... He first opened fire on TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez at a document screening podium, ...

LAX gunman rigged information TRIAL ......
killed TSA officer ......  is sentenced to life in prison ...

Nov 7, 2016 - A portrait of slain TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez ... 
deal in which  the  uneducated  bio-chemistry  molecules of  federal prosecutors  .....  
their biased decision to seek the  BRAIN  death penalty for
university   bio-chemistry and calculus students and professors    

 VIA the death example of Paul Ciancia and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Fidel Castro neuroscience influence on Fidel  Funds - 

Mutual Fun/pleasure  from  Fidelity Investments  and
Boston brain language manipulators and Bayesian schemes of the Bay State   ......
as explained by the neuroscience WAR casualty  of Bay Village, OHIO  .....
wife of DR. Sam Sheppard ....... 

Invest with a world leader in mutual funds* and you put a global network of 400 analysts and one of the largest research departments in the industry to work for ...

Why Massachusetts is Called 'The Bay State' – Chowdaheadz Blog

Apr 1, 2015 - The answer to this probably isn't what you expected! Most Bostonians would guess that Massachusetts has this nickname simply because it's a ...

Massachusetts State Nickname | The Bay State - State Symbols USA

"The Bay State" is the most familiar nickname of Massachusetts (residents of Massachusetts are called "Bay Staters"); more MA nicknames.

Bayesian statistics, named for Thomas Bayes (1701–1761), is a theory in the field of statistics

in which the evidence about the true state of the world is expressed

in terms of degrees of belief known as Bayesian probabilities.

Bayesian statistics exposes rigged BAY state trial 

- Wikipedia


An introduction to Massachusetts that includes information about the state capitol, how the state got its name, the state's nicknames, how the state citizens are ...

2006 Falk Corporation BIG BANG  demo explosion  by I-43

 - Wikipedia

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley ...

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex

2006 Falk Corporation explosion

2006 Falk Corporation explosion

2006 Falk Corporation explosion

2006 Fa    Corporation ex

2006 Fa    Corporation hexplosion


Convert HEX to DECIMAL tables: find the decimal and binary representation of a hexadecimal ... The value of HEX FA in binary is 11111010. ... 
HEX FA = 250

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on 

Wednesday December 6, 2006
Wednesday December 6, 2006. 
..........esda.....................6. 2
..........esda.....................6. 2
VSAM  esda........   LU 6. 2   

IBM   LU6.2   at COMPUTER EARTH site .....
Falk --> Fa +  1k  -->  Hex'Fa' = 250 and  1k  data stream

- Wikipedia

Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, and is part of IBM's Systems Network Architecture.

What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com

whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Networking › Network software
In IBM's Systems Network Architecture ( SNA ), a logical 

Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society

When more land was added the facility began farming and raising their own food [the ... 11 08 Last Friday the board of Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and ...

Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects

Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was called The Faith House. There were five clients ...

Tetz Farms for the feeble minded  ..... to do farm / agriculture work  .....
to establish a "Down-to-earth"  REALITY experience for education of their brain cells
Bethesda Lutheran Home  

On Wisconsin: the destruction of  the Tetz farm and the Bethesda system
by invented  Federal government  social science nonsense approved
Lutheran Home  intellectual WIMPS and COWARDS

On Wisconsin: No residents but a campus remains | Local News | host ...

Jul 5, 2015
Jul 5, 2015 - Ross Boettcher, public relations specialist with Bethesda Lutheran .... until 1924 was referred to as the Lutheran Home for the Feeble-Minded.

On Wisconsin: No residents but a campus remains | Local News | host ...

Jul 5, 2015 - Ross Boettcher, public relations specialist with Bethesda Lutheran .... until 1924 was referred to as the Lutheran Home for the Feeble-Minded.

The intellectual attack on Nature's  social engineering system ........  a  protected site by
 Base 16 Highway 16 Watertown  

Bethesda Lutheran Home  Base 16 Hex"Fa' = 250 .... Farm code 

...... and its  planned  destruction 

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep ... - Amazon.com

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. ... The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the ...

...... and its  planned  destruction ....
Nature's military  defense systems .....
actions on the parallel
SYMBOL MACHINE   profile site 

 uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, 
which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex

 uncovered leaks in a data  pipe line running
below the building and
COMPUTER  EARTH geology building ...
 LINKED to  the Pipersville/ Watertown ....
 Bethesda  LU region .................... ....
system for the complex ....   EARTH complex systems of existence, life,  and events 

COMPUTER EARTH  system 360/ 370 MODELS  .....
used by and adapted by Nature's Darwin  processes

Cosmic dust may get in way of
 new evidence of 'Big Bang'

For the past few months, physicists have been arguing among themselves. ... theory describing the first instants after the Big Bang, has come under fire from physicists. ...
associate professor of physics at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

'Big Bang Theory' takes nerddom to a celestial level - Milwaukee ...

May 9, 2010 - In fact, the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory," airing at 8:30 p.m. Monday on ... When attending UW-Madison, he and a group of aspiring scientists ...

2006 Falk Corporation BIG BANG 

The explosion killed three people and injured 47.[3] It was later discovered that the people who were killed were attempting to repair the leak.[9] Debris landed several blocks away from the site of the explosion and cars were hurled through the air by the force of the blast. The explosion caused widespread damage to an area approximately the size of two football fields.[1] The Department of Neighborhood Services later carried out an inspection of the site; they discovered that buildings within a radius of approximately 500 feet (150 m) had sustained heavy damage, such as torn-off roofs and collapsed walls.[8] Roughly thirty separate vehicles were destroyed in the blast.[6]

Investigation and cover-up of  astrophysics battle site by the newspapers and Milwaukee universities

A GPS for grav waves - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Feb 13, 2017 - UWM is leading an effort to turn 54 pulsars into a massive observational array. ... by gravitational waves,” says UWM physics professor Xavier Siemens. ... rapid expansion during an infinitesimal moment after the Big Bang.

UWM is leading an effort to turn 54 pulsars
UWM is leading an effort to turn 54 pulsars
UWM is leading an effort to turn 54 pulsars

 --> Pulsar wars played out at Pulse nightclub

A GPS for grave waves and mathematical-physics sociology ...
function errors algebra  -->   create --->
fun + er + al --> funeral ......
 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Feb 13, 2017 - UWM is leading an effort to turn 54 pulsars into a massive observational array. ... by gravitational waves,” says UWM physics professor Xavier Siemens. ... rapid expansion during an infinitesimal moment after the Big Bang.

UW-Milwaukee researchers to lead search for gravitational waves

Mar 30, 2015 - Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will lead a new effort to ... large-scale cosmic events such as the Big Bang or orbiting pairs of massive ... a physicist at UWM and the principal investigator for the project.

 as the Big Bang or orbiting pairs of massive
 as the Big Bang or orbiting pairs of massive
 as the Big Bang or or   ....... pairs of mass 
 as the Big Bang or orlando  pairs of a mass  Shooting STAR

UW-Milwaukee researchers to lead search for gravitational waves

Gravity field Representative  G  --> Gabrielle Giffords and 18 Shot
Near Tucson - The New ...


Jan 8, 2011 - TUCSON — Representative Gabrielle Giffords, an Arizona Democrat, ... Mark Kimble, an aide to Ms. Giffords, said the shooting occurred about ...

On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a  grocery store / supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area. Six people died, including federal District Court Chief Judge John Roll; Gabe Zimmerman, one of Rep. Giffords' staffers; and a nine-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green.[1][2][3][4][5] Giffords was holding the meeting, called "Congress on Your Corner", in the parking lot of a Safeway store when Jared Lee Loughner drew a pistol and shot her in the head before proceeding to fire on other people

grocery store 
grocery store equation.....    gr + roc
gravity field  ROC site 

What Is a Black Hole? | NASA

Illinois Students Chat Live with NASA Astronaut, Space... ... Scientific evidence shows that in the middle of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole. ... A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out.

Black Holes | Science Mission Directorate

Don't let the name fool you: a black hole is anything but empty space. Rather, it is a great amount of matter packed into a very small area - think of a star ten ...

Black Holes  and human air heads with Hollywood brains |

No-hair theorem and
 its applications in existential  physics- Wikipedia

The no-hair theorem postulates that all black hole solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations of gravitation and electromagnetism in general relativity can be completely characterized by only three externally observable classical parameters: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum.

Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem ....
 difficult concepts for the adult MR. Male brain 

- Phys.org

https://phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
Sep 9, 2014 - In general relativity this is known as the no-hair theorem. The basic idea of the no-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object ...

No-Hair Theorems and Black Holes with Hair 1 Introduction


by M Heusler - ‎1996 - ‎Cited by 72 - ‎Related articles
In particular, the no-hair theorem is extended to harmonic mappings with arbitrary Riemannian target manifolds. This paper is an extended version of an invited ...

keyword --> Lee Smolin--->  death equation -->  Leaders  Smolensk  --->
explains the brain programming instructions  /  the
bio-computer self-destruct commands  PLACED   inside the bio-computer brains
of the   Leaders of Poland  at Smolensk

2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash - Wikipedia

On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft of the
Polish Air Force crashed near the city of Smolensk,
Russia, killing all 96 people on board. ... The pilots were attempting to land at Smolensk North Airport – a former military airbase – in thick fog, with visibility reduced to about 500 metres (1,600 ft).

2006 Falk Corporation irregularities 

are erased

Codes  --->  43   and second --> battle near I-43 and 2nd Street 

Teen pleads guilty in rigged TRIAL  ........
in shooting of 2 police officers - Milwaukee Journal ...

Julius Burton pleaded guilty Thursday to shooting two Milwaukee police ... The officers, Graham Kunisch and Bryan Norberg, were in court Thursday but did ...
last month that they stopped Burton in the

800 block of S. 2nd Street  
because he was ...

Planck TIME message  --> Plank --> Plankinton Avenue 

message words-->  bullet exited .... plankinton
--> route message to -->

Diane Borchardt  rigged  mathematical-physics trial
 | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/study hall monitor at Jefferson High School in Wisconsin. She was convicted of hiring three of her students to murder her estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994. ... The three, who had been students at Jefferson High ...
Date of arrest‎: ‎September 29, 1994
Date of murder‎: ‎April 3, 1994
Date of birth‎: ‎1949
Number of victims‎: ‎1

Timepieces | Harry Winston

Finder. Timepieces finder Find your watch · Locations. Menu. Timepieces. Scroll to content. Collections · Timepieces Finder. Close. QR code for this page URL ...

Watch finder | Harry Winston

Since 1932, Harry Winston has transformed diamonds into art and revolutionized modern jewelry and watch design. Visit the official Harry Winston website.

Harry Winston The Premier Collection™ | Harry Winston

The Premier Collection was the first watch collection introduced by Harry Winston in 1989, and is now an iconic signature of the company. The three arches on ...


Alpha/ Numeric (AN)    or numeric/alpha (NA)  

- Wikipedia

Alphanumeric is a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters, and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits or a text constructed ...

Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design: Donald Neamen ...

Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design [Donald Neamen] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This junior level electronics text provides ...

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...


Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, first shown at Dali's solo exhibition at M. Knoedler & Co., New York, in 1943, records Dali's shifting ...

Geopolitical Child Watching
the Birth of the New Man, 1943 - Salvador ...


Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by Salvador Dali, Classic Period (1941-1989). Surrealism. allegorical painting.

the Birth of the New Man, 1943 

the Birth of the New Man, 1943 

the Birth of the New Manhattan project, 1943 

atomic social sciences

Elementary Physics I Kinematics, Dynamics And Thermodynamics

Rating: 4.7 - ‎38 reviews
Feb 9, 2014 - Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Oscillations and waves College Physics I: Notes and exercises. ... This book develops the ideas which are necessary for a beginning student to appreciate physics and its applications at the most fundamental level. ... The topics covered are conventional ...

Focus On Elementary Physics: Rebecca W. Keller PhD - Amazon.com

*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Focus On Elementary Physics Student Textbook introduces young students to the scientific discipline of physics.

Elementary Physics, Books 1 & 2 (2 Vols. in 1) (Bks. 1 ... - Amazon.com

Elementary Physics, Books 1 & 2 (2 Vols. in 1) (Bks. 1 & 2) [A.F. Abbott, Michael Nelkon] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Sandy Hook Elementary School  .....
Elementary physics ordered shooting - Wikipedia

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children ...
Weapons‎: ‎Bushmaster XM15-E2S‎ (‎.223‎); ‎Glock ...
Deaths‎: ‎28 total; 27 at the school (including the ...
Non-fatal injuries‎: ‎2
Location‎: ‎Sandy Hook Elementary School; ‎Ne...


Apr 10, 2017 - Children are evacuated from North Park Elementary School in San Bernardino after a shooting on April 10, 2017. (Credit: Gina Ferazzi / Los ...

from North Park Elementary School 
from North Park Elementary School 
from North Par   Elementary School 
from North Pole  ...  Particle physics  .....   Elementary School 

Pier Odd  Oddone  and  Federal governemnt / FermiLAB  refuse 

polite diplomatic  communications with Nature's agent  Mr. Z  ......

per Odd-Z  elements and protocol 


Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...

Pier Oddone to step down as Fermilab director - Fermilab news

Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced today ...

Pier Oddone : Nature News

Jul 30, 2008 - Pier Oddone. The director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, talks to Eric Hand about the uncertain future of particle ...

NFL Pro Bowl | NFL.com

Pro Bowl returns to Orlando. After a successful event in 2017, the NFL announced Orlando will get the 2018 Pro Bowl next January. ... The AFC held off the heavily favored NFC for a victory in Sunday night's Pro Bowl.

NFL secret  Proton   ..... nucleus Bowl | NFL.com

Pro Bowl returns to Orlando. After a successful event in 2017, the NFL announced Orlando will get the 2018 Pro Bowl next January. ... The AFC held off the heavily favored NFC for a victory in Sunday night's Pro Bowl.

List of Communicable Diseases  of  communications ........
cable TV,   TV, radio, cell phones- ACPHD

Local health departments are required to report some 80 communicable diseases to the California Department of Public Health as part of the disease ...

 report some 80 communicable diseases
 report some 80 communica      diseases
 report some 80 communication  / language  and music  instruction  diseases

code words--> WiMax is
.................................. axis 

code words--> WiMax is
.........................WI   M   axis 

WIsconsin Murder  Z- axis  explained
by agent Zacharay Zaboreek 

Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car

Oct 8, 2008 - According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ... Zoellick whom police say knew about the murder, Zachary Zaborek, ...

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say

Oct 7, 2008 - When Khan put his up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad. ... On Monday Zoellick's best friendZachary S. Zaborek, 19, of Watertown was ..
Za  --> Z-axis  ...
Nature's plane geometry  / mathematics
information  interceptor agent

Man Gets Life in Axis Murder - Free Republic

Nov 30, 2007 - Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her son ... a judge imposed a life prison sentence Friday for Mark Totzke, with no ...

Mark  Totzke      Gets Life in Axis Murder 

.................Z key  ................... Z-Axis Murder  ...
as described by Highway Z      and   Officer  Hogan

.................Z key  ................... Z-Axis Murder  ...
as described by Highway Z      and  
Officer  Hogan ..   SYMBOL MACHINE  secret agent MATH code  
O............Hog     an  -->

IMAX Theatres Milwaukee, WI 53233 - YP.com

Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for IMAX Theatres at 800 W Wells St, Milwaukee, WI. Search for other Movie Theaters in Milwaukee on ...

iMax Theater Locations & Hours Near Milwaukee, WI - YP.com

www.yellowpages.com › Milwaukee, WI
Find 2 listings related to Imax Theater in Milwaukee on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Imax Theater locations in .

IMAX 3D Ultimate Off-Trail Adventure Into Awe-Inspiring Untamed Wilderness.
Family Friendly · Learning Environment · Natural History Museum

code -->  Louis -->  information pointer --> 

Louis de Broglie  .....
the St.Louis region  DEMO
of atomic  language and its expression ability .... SYMBOL MACHINE  equation ........

Louis de Broglie  at  St.Louis / Ferguson 

Louis de Broglie  .

Louis de Broglie  ---> 

Louis de Bro  g    lie  --> 

St.Louis death Brown ground lie 

Why was Michael Brown's body left  on the EARTH ground  for hours?
| Law and order ...

Sep 14, 2014 - The body of Michael Brown, 18, lies covered with a sheet near Canfield ... To determine why the body remained on the street for hours, the ..

Timeline for a Body: 4 Hours in the Middle of a Ferguson Street - The ...

Aug 23, 2014 - For at least four hours after he was shot by a police officer, the body of Michael Brown lay in the middle of Canfield Drive. What happened in ...

Duality of the laws of nature

Duality of the laws of nature

Duality of the laws of nature

Duality of the laws of nature and EARTH atomic  language

Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally ...

Shooting of Michael Brown 

What Happened in
Fer  --> FermiLAB  that   triggered events in

Fer = Ferguson ? - The New York Times incomplete reports caused
by arrogant  editor and reporter BRAIN  database deficiencies

Aug 9, 2014 - Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo., ...

was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by 

was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by 

was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by ......................

Duality of the laws of nature

Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended wave–particle duality to all particles (and to crystals which revealed the effects of diffraction) and extended the principle of duality to the laws of nature.
His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:

was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by 

was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by 

was shot and killed on ........ 9, 2  -->  Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family code 92 

Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo.,
Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo.,
Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo.,

Duality of the laws of nature

Duality of the laws of nature

Duality of the laws of nature

Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo.,

Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo.,

Da arr en Wilson --> Data array energy Wilson Hall 

Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab

Directions. Both the Fermilab box office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central laboratory building of Fermi National Accelerator ...

Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab and its approval of
citizen / Federal government   atomic social science bull-shit
and arrogant nonsense schemes that
violate the periodic atomic table laws 


Directions. Both the Fermilab box office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central laboratory building of Fermi National Accelerator ...

code --> Sc--> sub-conscious messages

code name
--> Curt --> Cu  + Rt --> copper Route 29 murders

Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries of electrical utility companies and
their brain lack of awareness caused by  the male brain ....
worship of  female  bio-electron VIRGIN pussy systems
   .... THOUGHT circuits 

in the STATE of MIND .. Virgin   ..Virginia

Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...

Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the ...

Police still hunting Rt. 29 Stalker after 21 years | WUSA9.com

Mar 2, 2017 - Investigators say they are still looking for the Rt. 29 Stalker, who tried to ... the serial killer who murdered Kristin and Katie Lisk, 15 and 12, and ...

Cardinal number - Wikipedia

In mathematics, cardinal numbers, or cardinals for short, are a generalization of the natural numbers used to measure the cardinality (size) of sets. The cardinality of a finite set is a natural number: the number of elements in the set. The transfinite cardinal numbers describe the sizes of infinite sets.

Cardinal, Ordinal and Nominal Numbers - Math is Fun


A Cardinal Number says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five. A Cardinal Number answers the question "How Many?" Example: here are five coins: It does not have fractions or decimals, it is only used for counting.

Unanswered Questions About the Boston Marathon Bombing | Observer


Apr 15, 2017 - Do we know the full story of the deadly attack four years ago?

Boston Marathon Bombings -

Find out more about the history of Boston Marathon Bombings, including videos, ... than 5,600 runners still in the race, two pressure-cooker bombs–packed with ..

DNA polymerase - Wikipedia

In molecular biology, DNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize DNA molecules from ... Hence, DNA polymerase moves along the template strand
in a 3'-5' direction,
and the daughter strand is formed in a 5'-3' direction.
This difference ...

Joseph     Stack's    DNA  note | Richard Adams | US news | The Guardian

https://www.theguardian.com › US News › Plane crashes
Feb 18, 2010 - Horrendous events today in Austin, the state capital of Texas, where a man ... The plane belonged to Joseph Andrew Stack, a 53-year-old software ... middle-aged engineer, laid off during the defence cuts of the early 1990s, ...

What is Joe Stack  ...  base-stacking interaction in DNA helix? - Quora

Feb 25, 2016 - The degree of stabilization afforded by base stacking depends on the DNA sequence. Some combinations of base pairs form more stable ...

14.1.8 Stack vs Heap Allocation

14.1.8 Stack vs Heap Allocation. We conclude our discussion of storage class and scope by breifly describing how the memory of the computer is organized for a ...

Heap Allocation

Heap Allocation .......
WAR numbers 43 .... 943  ....   1943 Manhattan Project 

Location9430 Research Boulevard
Austin, Texas, U.S.

Heap Allocation

Heap Allocation  and Code --> IRS Code

The 2010 Austin suicide attack occurred on February 18, 2010, when Andrew Joseph Stack III deliberately crashed his single-engine Piper Dakota light aircraft into Building I of the Echelon office complex in Austin, Texas, United States,[5] killing himself and Internal Revenue Service manager 

In the aftermath, there was increased debate over the policies of the IRS, and different forms of protest. In response to the attack, the IRS spent more than $38.6 million,[9] with $6.4 million spent to recover and resume work at the building  ......

and building the elaborate ......  incomplete  explanation
for the EVENT  ...
the omission of vast amounts of
empirical data generated by Nature's systems ...
created  tragic signaling EVENT.

The University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is a private, nondenominational,
culturally rich with elaborate  intellectual bragging CULTS  with basic information VOIDS.....
 and ethnically diverse coeducational research university ...
5801 South Ellis Avenue

Ellis Avenue

Ellis Avenue

Ellis Avenue messenger

Ralph Ellison's “Invisible Man” as a Parable of Our Time | The New ...

Dec 4, 2016 - Clint Smith on teaching in a high school with many immigrant students and revisiting Ralph Ellison'sInvisible Man” in the time of Donald ...

Ralph Ellison's “Invisible Man”

code--> Holz Motors ---> Z motors  

codes --> Silver   and 26  and APR --> 

codes --> Silver and 26 and APR -->

codes --> Silver and 26 and APRIL 26 mile race in Boston WAR ZONE  bombing


codes --> Silver and 26 -->  highway 26 /EMMET Township murder of Haroon Khan with a year 20006  Silver Mitsubshi motor vehicle

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say

Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a

silver 2006
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,

and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, ...

Family says body found near Watertown is UWM student

Oct 5, 2008 - Haroon Y. Khan, 31, was last seen Wednesday night, when he was ... A third suspect, a 20-year-old man from Watertown, killed himself Friday ... He had earlier placed an ad to sell his 2006 silver Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.

Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car

Oct 8, 2008 - Tuesday, officials in Milwaukee charged LaFave with felony murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-old Haroon Khan, who was reported ...

BEV - Billion Electron Volts | AcronymFinder

How is Billion Electron Volts abbreviated? BEV stands for Billion Electron Volts. BEV is defined as Billion Electron Volts frequently. ... Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA ,random Word(s) in meaning: chat "global warming" Postal codes: USA: ...

NASA - NASA's Fermi Space Telescope Explores BEV and New Energy Extremes

Jan 10, 2012 - While the energy of visible light falls between about 2 and 3 electron ... ranging from 20 million to more than 300 billion electron volts (GeV).

Remember Me (Star Trek: The Next Generation) - Wikipedia

The Enterprise docks at Starbase 133,
where Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) ... Star Trek: The Next Generation DVD set, volume 4, disc 2, selection 1 ...

Beverly Crusher  and brain BEV perceptions - Wikipedia

Commander Beverly Crusher (born Beverly Cheryl Howard), played by actress Gates McFadden, is a fictional character on the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and its ...

Commander Beverly
Commander Beverly
Commander Bev  messages  ......
 NASA brain cell languages need upgrade

Ring (mathematics) - Wikipedia

In mathematics, a ring is one of the fundamental algebraic structures used in abstract algebra. It consists of a set equipped with two binary operations that generalize the arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication.

Abstract Algebra/Rings - Wikibooks, open books for an open world

This section builds upon and expands the theory covered in the previous chapter on groups. The reader is strongly advised to master the material presented in ...

[PDF]Abstract Algebra

Fields as quotient rings of polynomial rings. 
117. §8d. Field extensions and vector spaces. 119. §8e.
 Extensions of extensions. 120. §8f. Algebraic and ...

Determination | Define Determination at Dictionary.com

the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose. 2. ascertainment, as after observation or investigation: determination of a ship's latitude.

determination - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com

The sense of determination, as making up your mind about something, finds its roots in an Old French word meaning “decision," such as the judge's determination that the man was guilty, or the panel's determination that the chocolate was too bitter.

Determination | Define Determination at Dictionary.com

Deter  ...nation  --> deter/stop the wife of Nation Hahn 

Nation Hahn recounts wife's death at Jonathan Broyhill murder trial ...

Mar 10, 2015 - Jamie Hahn turned to her husband, Nation, on April 9, two years ago, sobbing tenderly and pondering the future. The Hahns were on the cusp ...

Jamie Hahn murder case :: WRAL.com

Jamie Kirk Hahn, 29, died April 24, 2013, two days after she and her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home. Police later arrested ... No mental defense expected in Raleigh political strategist murder trial. The man ...

Jamie Kirk Hahn,
Jamie Kirk Hahn,
Jamie Kirk   and her  bio-EM field  attack on James Kirk 

2006 Falk / Rexnord   Corporation explosion - Wikipedia

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley ...

The Falk Corporation manufactures large industrial gears, couplings, chains, bearings and other industrial components and equipment.[2]
Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
it is owned by Rexnord

Below, number 100 --> pointer to 
bio-math numeric B100D    and optical word 100K

Above,  number two (2) and number 144 lawsuit

 --> gives us the LAW .....  square root (1/2)  of  144
--> carbon 12 atomic mass and
its 12 hour human ...  atomic biological clock used by
the brain  computer and eye/optical system

what is the square root of 144

What is

 the expression 

evaluates to the positive root 12.

Thus we have the word--> company
 --> com --> c + om --> carbon + oxygen molecule --> C  + O2

 --> pointer to CO2 ......  carbon dioxide data carrier molecule  with mass 44 

CO2 Blood Test: Purpose, Procedure, and Results - Healthline


Jun 27, 2017 - The normal range for CO2 is 23 to 29 mEq/L (milliequivalent units per liter of blood). Theblood test often measures blood pH along with CO2 levels to further determine the cause of your symptoms. Blood pH is a measurement of acidity or alkalinity. Alkalosis is when your body fluids are too alkaline.
Overview · ‎Purpose · ‎Procedure

CO2 Blood Test: Purpose, Procedure, and Results - Healthline

CO2 Blood Test: Purpose, Procedure, and Results - Healthline

CO2 mass 44   add   Blood number 100 --> gives 144  

and the code word--> OhiO --> subset letters--> OO --> implies O2 of
the EARTH atmosphere and the O2 (Oxygen molecule)  TRIAL

code word--> OhiO --> subset letters--> OO --> implies O2 

CO2 Blood Test   and NOSE data output test

CO2 ....... Blood  and NOSE system .... molecule  data processing
Test number 44 ,,.... equivalent to letters DD (IBM Data Definition)  LINK
 to COMPUTER EARTH interface systems

CO2 mass 44   add   Blood number 100 --> gives 144  

and the code word--> OhiO --> subset letters--> OO --> implies O2 of
the EARTH atmosphere and the O2 (Oxygen molecule)  TRIAL

Time Lord | Tardis | FANDOM powered by Wikia - Doctor Who Wiki


The Time Lords were inhabitants of the planet Gallifrey, who were most famous for the creation...
Regeneration · ‎Gallifrey · ‎Jewel (planet) · ‎The Hybrid

Time Lord - Wikipedia


Jump to Partial list of Time Lords appearing in Doctor Who - ... a Time Lord much admired by theDoctor. ... She was the original Doctor Who ...
First appearance‎: ‎An Unearthly Child
Home planet‎: ‎Gallifrey

code name--> March -->

EDWARD WITTEN | School of Natural Sciences


Duality, Spacetime and Quantum Mechanics · Magic, Mystery, and Matrix · The Holes are Defined by the String · The Mass Question · Hunting the Higgs.

Edward Witten - Wikipedia


Edward Witten is an American theoretical physicist and professor of mathematical physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. Witten is ...

String People: Ed Witten - String Theory


Ed Witten, who is currently visiting Caltech, is a professor at the Institute for ... Witten was not one of the creators of string theory, but since he joined "Team ...

NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Edward Witten | PBS


Many physicists consider Ed Witten to be Einstein's true successor. A mathematical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, Witten .

World's Smartest Physicist Thinks Science Can't Crack Consciousness ...


Aug 18, 2016 - String theorist Edward Witten says consciousness “will remain a mystery”

 Edward Witten says consciousness “will remain a mystery”
 Edward Witten says consciousness “will remain a mystery”

Witten says consciousness “will remain a mystery”

Mr.Z  and Witten  says atomic  / molecular  consciousness “will remain a mystery”  if you are hypnotized by pussy THOUGHT CONTROL  systems

Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem - Phys.org

https://phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy

Sep 9, 2014 - In general relativity this is known as the no-hair theorem. The basic idea of the no-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object ...

no-hair theorem applications and EARTH LAB empirical research  on
females and their  information blocking technology    .......

allows one to proceed BEYOND their  intellectual  barriers ...... tthus 

Mr.Z and Witten says  SYMBOL MACHINE  access to atomic / molecular consciousness   ...
Z + Witten --> Z+ witt  --> Zwitterion access to additional information databases  of the 
Carl Jung atomic collective GROUP MIND

Deadly explosion rocks Falk Corp. plant - Milwaukee - Milwaukee ...


Dec 6, 2006 - An explosion Wednesday morning leveled a building on Falk Corp.'s property in the Menomonee Valley and killed at least three workers.

COMPUTER  military code--> F-15 -->

code numbers --> Dec   14   49ers football team ......  nitrogen messages

7 add 7  = 14 .................. 7 multiply 7 = 49

University of Wisconsin System


A collection of 26 campuses and the statewide UW-Extension, the University of Wisconsin System is one of the largest systems of public higher education in the ...

above number  --->  33 years--> 

Above code name -->
NiXoN--->  math subset code  --> N X N square matrix 

thus math President Nixon ...  and the
matrices battles played out in the
.......rice  ..... rice field of
V = Vector region on EARTH geography  surface
V =  Vietnam  South (VS)  ---> Vector Space

Thus codes--> 33 years and Nixon --> suggest

--> 1933 Dirac and N by N matrices --->
thus pointer to --> Dirac matrices  ..the battle at
 Rice Lake, Wisconsin

  1. Hundreds of runners and walkers laced up for the First Annual Run to Remember in Rice Lake ... Rice Lake remembers victims of hunting massacre ... Chai Vang was ... 

Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded.
Although Vang acknowledged that he committed a shooting, there is significant dispute regarding the chain of events that caused the situation to become violent, with evidence indicating that Vang was being followed and called racial slurs by the shooting victims.

 Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota

 Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
 V  ang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
 Vector angle (agent), who lived in Saint Paul (Dirac) 

Thus the base 16 right triangle computer with
9 Bits ( 8 data bits and 1 error checking parity bit)

Durable good - Wikipedia

In economics, a durable good or a hard good is a good that does not quickly wear out, or more ... Highly durable goods such as refrigerators or cars usually continue to be useful for three or more years of use, so durable goods are typically ...

Most Reliable / Least Serviced Appliance Brands of 2016 (Reviews ...

Jan 9, 2017 - What are the most reliable, least serviced appliances of 2016? ... Still, Samsung knows how to manufacture a reliable refrigerator and front ..... 20 years ago it was great; now it is truly awful in terms of reliability and durability.

Best Refrigerators of 2017 - CNET

Jun 9, 2017 - Need a new fridge? Here are our top picks of the year.

Jimmy Dura  Durante ...representing durable goods - Wikipedia

James Francis Durante (February 10, 1893 – January 29, 1980) was an American singer, pianist, comedian, and actor. His distinctive clipped gravelly speech, ...
Stardom · ‎Television · ‎Marriages · ‎Later years

Jimmy Durante - IMDb

Jimmy Durante, Self: The Jimmy Durante Show. First wife Jeanne died in 1943. Wed second wife, Marjorie Little after 16 year courtship when she was 39 and he ...

Jimmy Durante codes - Biography - IMDb

First wife Jeanne died in 1943. Wed second wife, Marjorie Little after 16 year courtship when she was 39 and he 67 Marjorie Little had been the hatcheck girl at ...

First wife Jeanne died in 1943 --> 1943 message LINK  

Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 - Salvador ...

Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by Salvador Dali, Classic Period (1941-1989). Surrealism. allegorical painting.

Wed second wife, Marjorie Little after
 a 16 year oxygen atomic courtship

Marjorie Little after 16  year courtship when she was 39  and he was 67 ...... Marjorie Little had been the hatcheck girl at ...

when she was 39 
when she was 39 
when she was  potassium atomic mass 39

he was 67 
he was 67 
he was 67  and living in the right-side of the gravity field equation

code --> NBA --> Nitrogenous Bases

Sarasota High School - Wikipedia

Sarasota High School is a public high school of the Sarasota County Public Schools in ... The world-famous Sarasota High School Sailor Circus began as a mid-game tumbling demonstration during a football game in 1949. It has evolved into a ...
History · ‎Current · ‎Sports and Activities · ‎AICE

Florida Memory - Circus performers of the Sarasota High School Sailor ...

Circus performers of the Sarasota High School Sailor Circus ... Subject Corporate. Sarasota High School (Sarasota, Fla.) Sailor Circus (Sarasota, Fla.) ...

above code -->  FLY-ATA   --> FLY-DATA  on  the
secret bio-post office ZIP code of the FLY ZIPPER  communications systems ......

 FLY ATA  Airlines Flights:
get the Vincent PRICE ....... Price discount on  ATA
Airlines Tickets & Zipper Deals | Skyscanner

Find cheap ATA Airlines flights with Skyscanner. Compare prices for the most popular ATA Airlines destinations and book directly with no added fees.

code--> Indianapolis  43  --> pointer to India and the BEC project with number 43

Michael Brown - shoot lights out  DEMO 
with representative  --> Wil --> Wilson


The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally ...

What Happened in Ferguson? - The New York Times

Aug 9, 2014 - Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo., ..

Ferguson protests: What we know about Michael Brown's last minutes ...

What happened in the encounter between 
Officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown
Here is a look at what is known and what remains to be discovered.

Nouns name people, places, and things. Every noun can further be classified as common or proper. A proper noun has two distinctive features: 1) it will name a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and 2) it will begin with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence.

Grammar Bytes! :: The Proper Noun


Proper Nouns | EnglishClub

Your name is a proper noun. Learn about proper nouns, which are the words we use to name people, places or organizations. Learn the rules of proper nouns.

Proper Nouns Explained, with Lists, Examples - K12 Reader


While a noun names a person, place, thing, or idea a proper noun gets more specific. It gives us the actual name of the person, place, thing, or idea.

1968 in the Vietnamese War - Wikipedia

The military operations started with an attack on a US base by the Vietnam People's Army (NVA) and the Viet Cong on January 1, ending a truce declared by the Pope and agreed upon by all sides. At the end of January, the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong launched the Tet Offensive.
January · ‎February · ‎March · ‎May

1971 in the Vietnamese War - Wikipedia

January[edit]. 1 January. U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam totaled 334,600 on 31 ... 1971 in the Vietnam War. ← 1970 · 1972 →. Fire Support Base Lolo being .... murder of 22 Vietnamese civilians during the My Lai massacre of 1968.

Overview of Optic Nerve  English language Disorders  caused by  advertising/marketing optical tricks and nonsense
approved by  idiot citizens 

- Eye Disorders and brain information disorders
in the editors of Merck - 

biased Merck Manuals  and the omission of  Optical WAR  information ...

www.merckmanuals.com › Home › Eye Disorders › Optic Nerve Disorders
The small photoreceptor cells of the retina (the inner surface at the back of the eye) sense light and transmit impulses to the optic nerve. The optic nerve from each eye carries impulses to the brain, where visual information is interpreted.

Cone cell - Wikipedia

Cone cells, or cones, are one of three types of photoreceptor cells in the retina of mammalian eyes (e.g. the human eye). They are responsible for color vision ...
Function‎: ‎Color vision
Code‎: ‎TH H3.

The Coneheads explain eye cone warfare  

| TV Series | 1983 - Hollywood.com

A proposed series based on sketches originally performed on "Saturday Night Live." The adventures of Beldar Conehead, a time keeper; his wife, Prymaat; and ...

Coneheads - Wikipedia

The Coneheads was a recurring sketch on Saturday Night Live (SNL) about a family of aliens ... from Pangea Corporation. In the television special E.T. and Friends, Beldar and Connie made a cameo appearance with host Robin Williams.

Rods and Cones - www . askabiologist . asu . edu - Arizona State ...

Cornea: is the clear outer surface of the eye the covers the iris, pupil, and the outer chamber of the eye... more; Epithelium: the layer of cells found lining the ...

The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye - HyperPhysics Concepts

The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye's color sensitivity and they are much more concentrated in the central yellow spot known as the macula. In the center of ...

Rodney Dangerfield - Wikipedia

Rodney Dangerfield was an American stand-up comedian, actor, producer and screenwriter known for the catchphrase "I don't get no respect!" and his ...

Rodney Dangerfield  and his Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION equation

Rodn.ey(e) and his gray  hair wave  --> gray wave -->
gravity waves that interact with the human brain mass AND atomic brain  mass THOUGHTS  ...... the gravity field wave / mass interaction gives rise 

gravity THOUGHT fields  .......................  thus the

Hubbleton   (Hubble  astronomy region with Watertown Wisconsin)  gives us the EARTH LAB proper noun identifiers of gravity wave agents  ..code names 

Rolli & Hilmer Groth  ---> rolling hills G (gravity constant) grow thoughts 

Roland W. Groth
Roland W. Groth, 94, of Watertown, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 9, 2008, at home.
Roland was born on Dec. 20, 1913, in Watertown, son of Heino and Amanda (Sturm) Groth. He was a 1933 graduate of Watertown High School. He married Emma Trefz on Aug. 21, 1938, in Tolstoy, S.D. Roland farmed the family farm all his life. He was a life member of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Watertown.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Emma in 1990; and a brother, Hilmer Groth.
Memorials to St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran School would be appreciated.

his wife, Emma
his wife, Emma
his wife, Em  ma --> electromagnetic map 

SYMBOL & Language MACHINE translations

Memorials to St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran
Memorials to St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran
........ orials to St. Mark's Evan ...........Lu (Logical unit) 

........ orials (orbitals)  to St. Mark's Evan ...........Lu (Logical unit) 

Rods & Cones

There are two types of photoreceptors in the human retina, rods and cones. Rods are responsible for vision at low light levels (scotopic vision). They do not mediate color vision, and have a low spatial acuity.

On Wisconsin: eye CONE Feud  ...... CAUSE and EFFECT  closes Mullen's ice cream CONE ......
Dairy Bar in Watertown; new ...

Oct 2, 2016 - Empty ice cream buckets are stacked in the former production area in the back of the building at Mullen's Dairy Bar & Eatery in Watertown.

On Wisconsin: eye CONE Feud  ...... CAUSE and EFFECT  closes Mullen's ice cream CONE ....  message  site

On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's ice cream cone ....   eye cone message site across the street from the   Watertown Library optical software  department   

Oct 2, 2016 - Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen's Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks over remnants of the business that was founded in 1932. A feud with ..

On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's ice cream cone ....

................... sin wave function WAR  .....  closes Mullen's ice cream cone MESSAGE    site ....

On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's ice cream cone ....

................... sin wave function WAR  .....  closes Mullen's ice cream cone MESSAGE    site .... explains the Watertown EM field war at 

 EMMET Township ...... EM + Met --> EM + metabolism war zone

and the tragic message DATABASE ...

Trial set inEM field war  ....  murder aftermath | Regional news | wiscnews.com

Jul 27, 2009 - Police believe Travis W. Zoellick, 20, of Watertown kidnapped and murdered Haroon Y. Khan, 32, of Milwaukee Oct. 1 ...

Khan's body was found Oct. 4 buried in a shallow grave off Boulder Road in 
the town of Emmet. ...
 complaint, when Zoellick told Zaborek he had kidnapped and stabbed Khan to death, ...

Man accused of aiding murder appears in court | Regional news ...

... hearing Thursday on a charge that he helped the murderer of Haroon Y. Khan, 31, of Milwaukee elude police. ... Travis W. Zoellick, 20, of Watertown stabbed Khan to death Oct. 1 and buried him in a shallow grave in the town of Emmet.

Police believe Travis W. Zoellick, 20, of Watertown kidnapped

Police believe Travis W. Zoellick, 20, of Watertown kidnapped

Police believe Travis W. Zoellick, 20   with 20/20 optical vision code  was a bio-optical MILITARY interceptor agent
with proper  noun ....... identifier       
Travis --> Tra + vis  --> Trap vision ERRORS   ....... with

Zoe --> Z order entry

Thus the equation  E(z,t)    bio-physics bio-em .....
application on the EARTH geography surface with human and location names .......

E(z,t)  -->  Emmet ( Zoellick,  travis) 

Raney sentenced to 27 years in prison | Regional news | wiscnews.com

May 5, 2017 - JUNEAU – Adam S. Raney, Beaver Dam, was sentenced to 27 years in ... sentence Friday for robbing banks in Beaver Dam and Watertown.

Adam Raney  .......  usage of a gun/ rod/pistol   .... as a signaling device--> rod 
Adam Raney 
Adam Raney 
.................ey  + rod/  gun --> eye rod message generated and ignored
 by the arrogant, elite citizens of Wisconsin 

Keywords... 16 , Wilson, 43 --> 

 the Earth atmosphere  OXYGEN  16 atomic computer  .....
base 16 hexadecimal WAR

at Wilson Hall/  FermiLAB .... Batavia site of LUNG conversation /word and concepts errors
of  human LU = Logical Units with Planck Time exponent 43

ZZ complex math functions ...........

The Circle Campus and its interior ......
in its existence / human activities
 the EARTH matehatical-physics geography surface
as a complex  plane and its human values  |

The site for the new University of Illinois at Chicago Circle campus consisted of 105 acres at the corner of Halstead and Harrison streets. Originally, the campus ...

The University of Illinois at Chicago traces its origins to several private health colleges that were founded in ... Historical photo of amphitheater at Circle Campus.

What Causes the Double Helix to Twist in a DNA Picture? | Sciencing

Apr 25, 2017 - These are the conditions that human DNA faces within a cell nucleus. DNA's chemical makeup, along with the actions of proteins, twist DNA's ...

Product: DNA Twist

DNA Twist is a model that demonstrates the structure of the DNA molecule in a way that ... The DNA Twist model is made of two foam sidebars representing the ...

Godzilla (1998) - IMDb

Rating: 5.3/10 - ‎158,876 votes
Action · A giant, reptilian monster surfaces, leaving destruction in its wake. To stop the monster ..... Q: Does Godzilla use the Atomic Breath in this movie?

God zilla   ..... as a GOD Particle (franchise) - Wikipedia

The Godzilla (ゴジラ, Gojira) franchise is a series of multi-media featuring the monster Godzilla, ... The Godzilla film series is broken into several (different) eras reflecting a characteristic style and corresponding to the same eras used to classify ...
First film‎: ‎Godzilla‎ (1954)
No. of films‎: ‎31
Last film‎: ‎Shin Godzilla‎ (2016)
Years active‎: ‎1954–present

Pier Oddone  from the Galapagos Islands/ Peru region of
atomic bio-physics evolution  - Wikipedia

Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...

Pier Oddone to step down as Fermilab director - Fermilab news

Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced today ...

Pier Oddone of  Galapagos .... Berkeley Lab Named   Galatians  ... Fermilab Director - Fermilab news

Nov 19, 2004 - “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Pier Oddone to be Fermilab's next director,” Bernthal said. “His stature as a distinguished ..

code --> Paul Mary --> Paul Dirac   math  array

code name --> Apostol  Call -->  call the  calculus religious  book 

Wiley: Calculus, Volume 1, One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction ...

www.wiley.com › Home › Mathematics & Statistics › Calculus › General Calculus
Calculus, Volume 1, One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra , 2nd Edition. Tom M. Apostol
January 1991, © ... ISBN : 978-0-471-00005-1 ...

Calculus, Vol. 1: One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear ...

1: One-Variable Calculus, with an Introduction to Linear Algebra by Tom M. Apostol ... with Applications to Differential… by Tom M. Apostol Hardcover $271.44.

Tom M. Apostol.
Tom M. Apostol.
........M. Ap  .......

Tom M. Apostol.
Tom M. Apostol.
Atom........postal  systems ......

EARTH  geology layers of math and atoms
with  Nikola Tesla  earth vibration ..message systems and  the
Bose-Einstein (data) Condensate
Calculus  LINK to
Calcu   .....
Calcutta India of Satyendra Nath Bose

Tom M. Apostol.
Tom M. Apostol.
........M. Ap  of the
EARTH collective GROUP MIND  ..the
sub-conscious of the Universal Mind LINK
sub-continent of India


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