N-paper N47C by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Topic covered in approximate order of sequence of appearance ...
- brain electron circuits
- Lepton .... Manhattan PROJECT ordered attack code --> Septon
- Cher atomic music and Chernobyl
- ReBECca Nicholson clearly explains BEC - Bose Einstein Condensate and Alex Lien triBECa New York motorcycle incident and rigged TRIAL of Wojciech Braszczok
- featherless bipeds ... university chicken brain WARS
- atomic orbitals
- OSiris.... GOD of Death and its copy of the base 16 HEX/curse of data processing ..... IBM OS/ JCL EXECUTE software
- Ruth Grave Wakefield explains the chocolate chip ...
bio-computer molecular MILITARY chip ..... digestive system WAR played out at Wakefield, Mass at Edgewater Technology
- the paleonotology dinosaur SOFTWARE attack at San Bernardino
- Dean Martin (DINO) and the rate pack help explain the DINO Dinosaur attack software
- Bernie Sanders helps explain the San Bernie Bernardino shooting
- Paleonotology atomic agent ...... Leon Lederman
- Paleonotology military officer ... Pal Maleter murdered
- Paleonotology secret codes of the University of Chicago
- copper atomic number 29 and age 29 agent ..... electron woman named Lyon
- Paul Sereno reveals DATABASE codes
- Paul Sereno and the CO2 data cycle
- Morocco Region of Convergence
- Linus Pauling and the EARTH carbon blanket/ platform
- words....100 burials lay before me
- Paul Dirac burial in a EARTH wormhole in Roselawn Cemetary, Tallahasee helps explains the Rose-Einstein communications bridge
- COMPUTER EARTH and content management systems(CMS) with BlogEngine containers (the Paul Dirac coffin)
- Base 2 ...... even integer atomic orbitals as DATA orbitals
- Carl Jung atomic collectives GROUP MIND
- Sigmund Freud ice-berg model
- Paul Dirac in a coffin in a wormhole Tallahasee and
. Paul Sereno digging dinosaur wormhole in Morocco ..... helps create a
a wormhole communications bridge
- the secret of code of Carcharodontosaurus teeth explained by
University of Chicago ............odonto ( Orthodontics ) parallel studies
of the teeth LANGUAGE of Paul Sereno
- Erwin Schrodinger ........ Cat in a box MODEL
- Bose-Einstein Condensate of queBEC
- Morocco .... dinosaurs, carbon atom hierarchy, and the Hotel Carter on 43rd Street
- Plank Time code 43 and the I43 Milwaukee was zone
- Salvador Dali year 1943 Geo-political
- Computer earth and IBM CICS cemetery commands ... CEMT
....inquire/ask the casket of Philando Castile about
his Hindu Caste levels and associations
- David Hilbert GRAND hotel shooting
- quadratic equation
- Tamir Rice killed in the TA mirror wars
- integration by parts
- ballet dance and computer science
- murder of Sam Hengel
- Ferrous oxide IRON 26 atomic alphabet letters
VERSUS Boston 26 mile race
- IRON mountain
- oxygen algebra equation with Isaac Asimov
- the Four Fold Root
- The Eight Fold way
- Oklahoma City bombing
- Tangent of Tanzania
- Markov chains
- Cotton language ....... OTTO Man empire
- Turkey president of Ergodic states and the Turkey coup attempt
.... a DEMO of Markov transition states
- Karl Marx principle quantum levels KLM
- the Hubble Wars
- dance and impedance
- Liver information displays
- Peter Bonda petroleum codes
- nitrogen signals
- CO2 pressure, carbonation of soda pop and Poplawski TRIAL in Pittsburg
- string theory
- diesel molecule signals
- sodium and DNA signals
- Paul Dirac agent Vang kept in atomic mass prison
- thyroid gland
- Stephen Hawking
- unconscious MIND
- Book 1919 and April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma
- ACEH Party and the acetylcholine molecule secret society at FermiLAB
- the Galapagos Islands and Pier Odd Oddone
- Hannah Graham ...... the hydrogen mirror death
- eye/optics
- Orwell book 1984 and the murder of Mr. CHO
- CIA secrets of the no-hair theorem
- Portugal and the COMPUTER EARTH I/O port
- copper atomic mass 63 and 65
- RHode Island blood software defects
- Silver and Sterling Hall bombing and the
Ag continuum ...... war START codon --> AUG 24 1970
- Mayor Barrett and the blood/brain barrier
- ART restoration of blood arteries software
- brain math codes
- math derivative /slope of a math curve / roof of the Emanuel African church
and Dy agent Dylann Proof of Roof
- the Cave of Altimira military codes .....
death orders of the optical nerve software
Topic covered in approximate order of sequence of appearance ...
- brain electron circuits
- Lepton .... Manhattan PROJECT ordered attack code --> Septon
- Cher atomic music and Chernobyl
- ReBECca Nicholson clearly explains BEC - Bose Einstein Condensate and Alex Lien triBECa New York motorcycle incident and rigged TRIAL of Wojciech Braszczok
- featherless bipeds ... university chicken brain WARS
- atomic orbitals
- OSiris.... GOD of Death and its copy of the base 16 HEX/curse of data processing ..... IBM OS/ JCL EXECUTE software
- Ruth Grave Wakefield explains the chocolate chip ...
bio-computer molecular MILITARY chip ..... digestive system WAR played out at Wakefield, Mass at Edgewater Technology
- the paleonotology dinosaur SOFTWARE attack at San Bernardino
- Dean Martin (DINO) and the rate pack help explain the DINO Dinosaur attack software
- Bernie Sanders helps explain the San Bernie Bernardino shooting
- Paleonotology atomic agent ...... Leon Lederman
- Paleonotology military officer ... Pal Maleter murdered
- Paleonotology secret codes of the University of Chicago
- copper atomic number 29 and age 29 agent ..... electron woman named Lyon
- Paul Sereno reveals DATABASE codes
- Paul Sereno and the CO2 data cycle
- Morocco Region of Convergence
- Linus Pauling and the EARTH carbon blanket/ platform
- words....100 burials lay before me
- Paul Dirac burial in a EARTH wormhole in Roselawn Cemetary, Tallahasee helps explains the Rose-Einstein communications bridge
- COMPUTER EARTH and content management systems(CMS) with BlogEngine containers (the Paul Dirac coffin)
- Base 2 ...... even integer atomic orbitals as DATA orbitals
- Carl Jung atomic collectives GROUP MIND
- Sigmund Freud ice-berg model
- Paul Dirac in a coffin in a wormhole Tallahasee and
. Paul Sereno digging dinosaur wormhole in Morocco ..... helps create a
a wormhole communications bridge
- the secret of code of Carcharodontosaurus teeth explained by
University of Chicago ............odonto ( Orthodontics ) parallel studies
of the teeth LANGUAGE of Paul Sereno
- Erwin Schrodinger ........ Cat in a box MODEL
- Bose-Einstein Condensate of queBEC
- Morocco .... dinosaurs, carbon atom hierarchy, and the Hotel Carter on 43rd Street
- Plank Time code 43 and the I43 Milwaukee was zone
- Salvador Dali year 1943 Geo-political
- Computer earth and IBM CICS cemetery commands ... CEMT
....inquire/ask the casket of Philando Castile about
his Hindu Caste levels and associations
- David Hilbert GRAND hotel shooting
- quadratic equation
- Tamir Rice killed in the TA mirror wars
- integration by parts
- ballet dance and computer science
- murder of Sam Hengel
- Ferrous oxide IRON 26 atomic alphabet letters
VERSUS Boston 26 mile race
- IRON mountain
- oxygen algebra equation with Isaac Asimov
- the Four Fold Root
- The Eight Fold way
- Oklahoma City bombing
- Tangent of Tanzania
- Markov chains
- Cotton language ....... OTTO Man empire
- Turkey president of Ergodic states and the Turkey coup attempt
.... a DEMO of Markov transition states
- Karl Marx principle quantum levels KLM
- the Hubble Wars
- dance and impedance
- Liver information displays
- Peter Bonda petroleum codes
- nitrogen signals
- CO2 pressure, carbonation of soda pop and Poplawski TRIAL in Pittsburg
- string theory
- diesel molecule signals
- sodium and DNA signals
- Paul Dirac agent Vang kept in atomic mass prison
- thyroid gland
- Stephen Hawking
- unconscious MIND
- Book 1919 and April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma
- ACEH Party and the acetylcholine molecule secret society at FermiLAB
- the Galapagos Islands and Pier Odd Oddone
- Hannah Graham ...... the hydrogen mirror death
- eye/optics
- Orwell book 1984 and the murder of Mr. CHO
- CIA secrets of the no-hair theorem
- Portugal and the COMPUTER EARTH I/O port
- copper atomic mass 63 and 65
- RHode Island blood software defects
- Silver and Sterling Hall bombing and the
Ag continuum ...... war START codon --> AUG 24 1970
- Mayor Barrett and the blood/brain barrier
- ART restoration of blood arteries software
- brain math codes
- math derivative /slope of a math curve / roof of the Emanuel African church
and Dy agent Dylann Proof of Roof
- the Cave of Altimira military codes .....
death orders of the optical nerve software
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Translate and Test MIRROR
News analysis by Herb Zinser using the periodic atomic table elements and their atomic MASS database as the accurate source of information needed to analyze MASS COMMUNICATIONs.
Mass Communications - Virginia State University
www.sola.vsu.edu/.../mass-communications/inde...Welcome to VSU's Department of Mass Communications. ... in film, television, broadcast news, audio and music, radio, public relations and print media.
Virginia State UniversityProgram: Mass Communication: Radio/TV/Film - Joliet ...
catalog.jjc.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=2&poid=368...31Print Degree Planner | Print-Friendly Page. ... Bachelor's degree programs in mass communication encompass four major program areas: advertising/public relations, radio/TV/film, journalism/news editorial/ photojournalism, and multimedia.Mass communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_communicationIn the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio ...
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic human expressions and their idenifers
--> Nitrogen and the 7th Day Adventists religious group
--> The Nitrogen 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
--> Oxygen 16 with Pope Benedict XVI
To understand Nature's system ...we look at the IBM BAL instruction ..... translate and test.
370 Instructions, Reference Guide - SimoTime
TRT, Translate and Test.
UNPK, Unpack ...
Branch and Link Register, BALR, 05, R1,R2 .....
BAL, Branch and Link Instruction, the format is R1,D2(X2,B2) ...
What is the use of TRT instruction and how it is working?
TRT is used to scan a string of characters, searching
for the occurrence of any the characters which are
specified in a translate table.
TRT also sets the condition code to indicate the results
of the scanning operation as follows:
Condition Code Indications
0 ( Zero ) All function bytes
encountered were X�00�.
1 ( Minus ) A nonzero function byte
was found before the end of operand 1
2 ( Positive ) A nonzero function byte
was found at the end of the operand 1
The condition code can be tested using BZ, BNZ, BM, BNM,
BP, or BNP.
The above instruction is used by Basic Assembler Language used on copper-wire main frame computers.
The sequence is .... TRANSLATE and then TEST.
In Nature's COMPUTER EARTH social engineering system ..... variant of that occurs.
A human activity, a human situation is TESTED ..... the results may be okay or the result may involve murder, suicide, crime, war, accident, etc. The nasty results are considered social process control FEEDBACK ERROR signals ...... that need to be translated / analyzed to be understood ..... at the deeper levels of REALITY ...conflicts/anger at levels of subconsciousness that rose to a level of visible display using human display devices.
Hence, the Earth Lab TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
.....zen --> zenith bio-electronic brain circuits
Lepton - Wikipedia 
A lepton is an elementary, half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) particle that does not undergo strong interactions. Two main classes of leptons exist: charged leptons (also known as the electron-like leptons), and neutral leptons (better known as neutrinos).
Electric charge: +1 e, 0 e, −1 e
Leptons - Hyperphysics 
Leptons and quarks are the basic building blocks of matter, i.e., they are seen as the "elementary particles". There are six leptons in the present structure, the electron, muon, and tau particles and their associated neutrinos.
The Particle Adventure | What is the world made of? | Leptons 
Lepton (atomic) - Wikipedia 
A lepton is an elementary, half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) particle ......
Supersymmetry and parallel existences and expression FORMATS on EARTH- Wikipedia 
In particle physics, supersymmetry (SUSY) is a proposed type of spacetime symmetry that relates two basic classes of elementary particles: bosons, which have an integer-valued spin, and fermions, which have a half-integer spin.
Supersymmetry | CERN
........................conCERN about serious matters and communications failure
Lepton (Earth geology and Earth rotation momentum) - Wikipedia 
An EARTH lepton is an elementary, half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) of the SPINOZA big EARTH particle ......
How much does planet Earth weigh? | HowStuffWorks 
Lepton ... energy Lept .... tons of airplane weight LEPT into the sky
....................and attacked the blood HEME group Fe(2) software ..............ERRORS of the people in the Fe(2) ... Twin towers
Septon ..... tons of iron metal / glass window weight on September 11, 2001
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia 
The Chernobyl disaster, also referred to as the Chernobyl accident, was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 in the No.4 light water ...
NRC: Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident 
The Chernobyl accident's severe radiation effects killed 28 of the site's 600 workers in the first four months after the event. Another 106 workers received high ...
Chernobyl Accident And Its Consequences - Nuclear Energy Institute 
Chernobyl Accident
Cher ..........Ac --> Actor ..messenger
Cher - Wikipedia 
Elijah Blue Allman · Chaz Bono · Sonny Bono · Georgia Holt
Cher: 'Women have always been sex objects and always will be ... 
After five decades in show business, Cher is funnier and more outspoken than ever. She tells Rebecca Nicholson about Miley Cyrus, America's ...
she tells Rebecca Nicholson
she tells Rebecca Nicholson
she tells Rebecca Nicholson
she tells bec agent -->
she tells Rebecca Nicholson
she tells Rebecca Nicholson
she tells ............... Nic --> Earth iron core NICKEL agent
Kiev Ukraine - Wikipedia 
Kiev or Kyiv is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. The population in July 2015 was ...
Kiev Ukraine
Principia Mathematica to *56 - Page 73 - Google Books Result 
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Mathematics
Thus even if “.1: is a featherless biped ” is formally equivalent to “.1: is a man,” it by no means follows that a person who believes that all men are mortal must ...University of Cambridge Language Centre
- Teaching Programmes
- Teaching Programmes
- ......chin Programmes
Osiris - Ancient History Encyclopedia 
Mar 6, 2016 - Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother- husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient ...
Osiris | Egyptian God of the Underworld - Ancient Egypt Online 
Learn all about Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld, who played a significant part in the mythology, religion and culture of ancient Egypt.
The Gods of Ancient Egypt -- Osiris - Tour Egypt 
From a copy of the Book of the Dead, Osiris overseeing the Weighing of the Heart. Behind him stand Isis and Nephthys.
the Book of the Dead
the Book of the Dead
the Book of the Dead ..... message ...
VIA the library / book battle reports ....
Columbine High School massacre
The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine,[3][4] an unincorporated area of Jefferson County in the American state of Colorado. In addition to the shootings, the complex and highly planned attack involved a fire bomb to divert firefighters, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and carbombs. The perpetrators, senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered 12 students and one teacher. They injured 21 additional people, and three more were injured while attempting to escape the school. The pair subsequently committed suicide.[5][6]
11:29 a.m. – 11:36 a.m.:
Library books ..... the BOOK of the DEAD message site
As the shooting unfolded, Patti Nielson talked on the phone with emergency services, telling her story and urging students to take cover beneath desks.[16] According to transcripts, her call was received by a 9-1-1 operator at 11:25:05 a.m. The time between the call being answered and the shooters entering the library was four minutes and ten seconds. Before entering, the shooters threw two bombs into the cafeteria, both of which exploded. They then threw another bomb into the Library Hallway; it exploded and damaged several lockers. At 11:29 a.m., Harris and Klebold entered the library, where a total of 52 students, two teachers and two librarians had concealed themselves.[16]Harris yelled, "Get up!" so loudly that he can be heard on Patti Nielson's 9-1-1 recording at 11:29:18.[57] Staff and students hiding in the library exterior rooms later said they also heard the gunmen say: "All jocks stand up! We'll get the guys in white hats!" (Wearing a white baseball cap at Columbine was a tradition among sports team members, typically jocks.)[16] When no one stood up in response, Harris said, "Fine, I'll start shooting anyway!" He fired his shotgun twice at a desk, not knowing that a student named Evan Todd was hiding beneath it. Todd was hit by wood splinters but was not seriously injured.
The shooters walked to the opposite side of the library, to two rows of computers. Todd hid behind the administrative counter. Kyle Velasquez, 16, was sitting at the north row of computers;
16, was sitting at the north row of computers;
16, was sitting at the north row of computers;
16, was sitting at the north row of computers ...........................
Base 16 HEX/ curse of data processing errors ....
April 16, 2007 .....
Virginia TECH English department and books
..... the BOOK of the DEAD message site at Norris Hall
IBM System/370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM - Wikipedia 
EXECUTE statement - IBM 
Use the EXECUTE statement to run a previously prepared statement or a multiple -statement prepared object.
EXEC statement - IBM 
EXEC statement
EXEC statement .. computer science applications
- Columbine High school
- Base 16 executions on April 16 at Virginia TECH
- Base 16 executions at Century 16 theater in Auora
- Base 16 executions at Grand 16 theater in Lafayette
- Base 16 executions on July 16, 2016 in Chattanooga
IBM Basic Assembly Language (BAL) and successors - Wikipedia 
Ruth Graves Wakefield: Chocolate Chip Cookie Inventor 
Read a biography of Ruth Wakefield, the famous woman inventor who created chocolate chip cookies.
Ruth Graves Wakefield - Wikipedia 
Ruth Graves Wakefield (June 17, 1903 – January 10, 1977) was the inventor of the Toll House Cookie, the first chocolate chip cookie, which she created c. 1938.
Education: Framingham State Normal School ...
Cooking style: American
History Of The Chocolate Chip Cookie 
Above, Nature's atomic / molecular electron chip circuits within a cookie
Ruth Graves Wakefield
TRuth ....... the funerals/ Graves at Wakefield, Massachuestts
The Ruth Graves Wakefield .... Wakefield massacre - Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakefield_massacreMass murder, shooting spree. Weapons. AK-47 variant; 12-gauge Winchester 1300 .32 caliber Retolaza. Deaths, 7. Perpetrator, Michael McDermott. The Wakefield massacre occurred on Tuesday, December 26, 2000, at Edgewater Technology ...
The Wakefield massacre occurred on Tuesday, December 26, 2000, at Edgewater Technology in Wakefield, Massachusetts, United States, during which the gunman, Michael "AotC" McDermott, an application support employee, shot and killed seven co-workers.
The weapons he used were an AK-47 variant .. codes Atom K= Potassium 4 DNA nucleotides with atomic Nitrogen that has 7 electrons ,
a carbon 12 atomic mass language ....12-gauge shotgun for atomic mass communications in the State of Mass --> Massachusetts,
and a oxygen molecule 32 military tool .32 caliber pistol.
He fired off a total of 37 rounds ...the Weather (Data) byte message of 37 Celsius human body temperature ,
shooting his victims in the back of the head repeatedly .... a feedback signal.. Police later found a .460-calibre Weatherby Mark V rifle at the defendant's work station.
He was found by police sitting calmly and stated that he did not speak German. At trial, he stated that he was born without a soul and that God had allowed him to earn a soul by traveling back in time to kill Nazis. McDermott claimed he had "traveled back in time and killed Hitler and the last 6 Nazis." However, the prosecution asserted that the killings were motivated by his employer's garnishment of his wages for the IRS, to pay child support taxes that he owed.
[citation needed]
McDermott was found guilty of seven counts of first degree murder. He was sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.
The weapons he used were an AK-47 variant .. codes Atom K= Potassium 4 DNA nucleotides with atomic Nitrogen that has 7 electrons ,
a carbon 12 atomic mass language ....12-gauge shotgun for atomic mass communications in the State of Mass --> Massachusetts,
and a oxygen molecule 32 military tool .32 caliber pistol.
He fired off a total of 37 rounds ...the Weather (Data) byte message of 37 Celsius human body temperature ,
shooting his victims in the back of the head repeatedly .... a feedback signal.. Police later found a .460-calibre Weatherby Mark V rifle at the defendant's work station.
He was found by police sitting calmly and stated that he did not speak German. At trial, he stated that he was born without a soul and that God had allowed him to earn a soul by traveling back in time to kill Nazis. McDermott claimed he had "traveled back in time and killed Hitler and the last 6 Nazis." However, the prosecution asserted that the killings were motivated by his employer's garnishment of his wages for the IRS, to pay child support taxes that he owed.
[citation needed]
McDermott was found guilty of seven counts of first degree murder. He was sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia 
2015 San Bernardino attack -
2015 Sand...........dino --> dinosaur SOFTWARE ordered attack
VIA Darwin selection by EARTH mantle language
.... of Earth geography surface proper noun code --> dino -->
that being Bernardino -->
Above and below article --> secret codes of paleontologist Paul Sereno --> Paul --> information pointer to Paul Dirac atomic social sciences --> Pointer to Paul Ciancia and the LAX airport battle -->
Paul Ciancia Pleads Guilty in rigged information TRIAL of the
LAX Rampage ...... that is LINKed to the Dinosaur rampage in San Bernardino ...... as explained by DINO messenger,
Shooting Death of TSA ... 
LIFE With the Rat Pack: Rare Photos of Frank, Dino and Sammy - Time 
Dean Martin (DINO)
- Wikipedia 
Rare Photos of Frank, Dino ... their concept /script reappearance
Rare Photos of F and Dino --> Farook and the Sands Hotel
re-enactment of the brain / blood SOFTWARE
entertainment script ..... at Sands --> San Bernadino with DINO
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont 
Senator Bernie Sanders ..... Democratic living language cover-up
Senator Bern San ---> sequence
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia 
Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23,
Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23,
Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23,
Paul Anthony Ciancia, aged 23, --> sodium agent code 23 for sodium atomic mass 23
--> for sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty
Above and below article
--> secret codes of paleontologist Paul Sereno -->
..................................leon --> pointer to atomic pale face -->
Above and below article
--> secret codes of paleontologist Paul Sereno -->
..............................pal -->
The leis and schemes of the University of Chicago .......
IRON-56 and S. 56th Street male arrogant think TANKS
and their
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON ADVISORS
Fe = Female educated life forms with serious communication problems ....
....... . and their social philosophy .. perception and translation ERRORS
Paul Sereno - Pal ..... Paleontologist | The University of Chicago 
Above code words ..
implied word --> .School (University) --> subset code Sch --> pointer to Schdrodinger\
explicit word --> cat --> concept pointer i -->
Above number --> 110 year old --> data string of symbols --> 11001
............................. . 110 ....... ol --> data string of symbols --> 11001 --> decimal 25
his wife Lyon age 29 --> code 29 -->
article on May 5, 2002
--> code 29 atomic electron codes of
the atomic bio-physics age 29 electron woman named Lyon -->
--> code 29 atomic electron codes of
the atomic bio-physics age 29 electron woman named Lyon -->
Above number --> 110 year old
Above number --> 110 year old
Above number --> 110 year old ..... energy pointer to number 110/ 120 -->
voltage - Why is mains power sometimes 110V and other times 120V ... 
Feb 11, 2013 - Frequently I see mixed ratings indicating that something is suitable for 110, 115, 118 or 120V (in the US). I've always referred to mains power ...
whats the difference between a 110 outlet and a 120 outlet and do ... 
whats the difference between a 110 outlet ..... and WORD CLUE outlets
whats the difference between a 110 outlet
--> 4 DNA nucleotides and age 44 messenger Paul Sereno
and the Isaac Asimov psychohistory equation
.... 110 outlet multiply / amplify 4 --> 440 code
If single phase power is 220 volts, why is 3 phase 440 volts and not ... 
If single phase power is 220 volts,
If single phase power is 220 volts --> age 22 Paul Sereno
was in his single phase of energy expression
If single phase power is 220 volts, why is 3 phase 440 volts a
If single phase power is 220 volts, why is 3 phase 440 volts
--> married life of age 44 expression agent
that exhales CO2 moleucle mass 44 ... an output data carrier molecule from the human LU --> Logical Unit --> LUNG .......
thus Paul Sereno output data molecules are INPUT to the COMPUTER EARTH ... CO2 communications cycle that LINKs
to the cellulose TREE Lu = logical Unit --> LUMBER
of Nature's COMPUTER EARTH system 360 / 370
Above, code word
--> Morocco --> Mo + roc --> Molecule ROC
Above words .... Sereno had uncovered the jawbone of
Carcharodontosaurus --> subset codes --> Car + Char -->
reference to the Carbon molecule continuum that cover the EARTH land surface .....
Thus Computer EARTH geography... land as an ancient computer platform .....
a carbon atoms and electrons /molecules ..... and their atomic expression hierarchy ...much like modern hydrocarbon .. organic chemistry terminology
Thus Computer EARTH geography... land as an ancient computer platform .....
a carbon atoms and electrons /molecules ..... and their atomic expression hierarchy in both
atomic physical biology ... and atomic social behavior and feelings VIA the dinosaur ....
atomic physical biology ... and atomic social behavior and feelings VIA the dinosaur ....
Thus Paul Sereno and his DATA generating experiences in the
MO = Molecule MO --> Modus Operandi in MO = Moroccco ......
with Linus Pauling ...carbon /organic chemistry...... molecule social structure ..
........................ling --> linguistics/ semantics/ dictionaries/ languages/ patterns and symbols / graph arts ..etc. ...... and the carbon / hydrocarbon molecule BLANKET that covers
the EARTH geography surface ....... in other words ..modern words ...
a COMPUTER EARTH geography land ...as a platform of molecules ..such as the
MO = Molecule MO --> Modus Operandi in MO = Moroccco ......
with Linus Pauling ...carbon /organic chemistry...... molecule social structure ..
........................ling --> linguistics/ semantics/ dictionaries/ languages/ patterns and symbols / graph arts ..etc. ...... and the carbon / hydrocarbon molecule BLANKET that covers
the EARTH geography surface ....... in other words ..modern words ...
a COMPUTER EARTH geography land ...as a platform of molecules ..such as the
Linus Pauling .....
..........Paul Dirac (physics / wormhole at Roselawn Cemetery, Tallahassee, Florida)
......... Paul Sereno in Morocco< North Africa (IBM Base 16 hex region A --->F )
..........Paul Dirac (physics / wormhole at Roselawn Cemetery, Tallahassee, Florida)
......... Paul Sereno in Morocco< North Africa (IBM Base 16 hex region A --->F )
..........................node ---> string theory ... communication node .... Nikola Telsa and his Wardencylffe technology and the echo signature ......
Paul Sereno - Paleontologist and node bio-sensor humanoid
| The University of Chicago 
“More than 100 human burials lay before me”
“More than 100 human burials lay before me”
“More than 100 human burials lay before me” ...
Here's FSU physics student Lawrence Ng .... EARTH agent .
Here's FSU physics student Lawrence Ng.
Here's FSU physics student Law ........ Ng --> Nitrogen gas of the Earth's atmosphere.
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia 
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ... Dirac shared the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics with Erwin Schrödinger " for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
Paul Dirac - Biography, Facts and Pictures - Famous Scientists 
buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
buried at Tallahassee's Rose law n C emetery.
buried at Tallahassee's Rose --> Rose-Einstein bridge Law nc = numerical control
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ... 
Wormhole ....earthly wormholes and
COMPUTER EARTH CMS blog site at Roselawn cemetery - Wikipedia 
Einstein–Rosen bridge was discovered by Ludwig Flamm in 1916,
Einstein–Rosen bridge was discovered by Ludwig Flamm in 1916,
Einstein–Rosen bridge was discovered by Ludwig Flamm in 1916
--> 1916 --> coulomb numbers ... equation messages
Einstein–Rosen bridge was discovered by Ludwig Flamm in 1916,
Einstein–Rosen bridge was discovered by Ludwig Flamm in 1916
--> 1916 --> coulomb numbers ... equation messages
Content management system - Wikipedia 
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. It is often used to support multiple ...
What is content management system (CMS)? - Definition from WhatIs ... 
searchcontentmanagement.techtarget.com › ... › Content management
Jun 1, 2016 - A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). ... Both enterprise content management and web ...
CMS List and List of Content Management Systems - Content ... 
COMPUTER EARTH base 16 SPACE and Base 16 TIME of existential physics ........
code word
--> Coffin --> Co + ff + In
--> Code Hex'ff' = 255 = High-values ...
input to the base 16 Hex"AF" = 175 --> AF --> Afterlife region of human atomic existence
AND its atomic DATABASE continuation as explained
by RicharD. P Feynman and his phase of existence in the AF = Caltech AFTERLIFE
..................DP --> Data Processing and the serious problems and communications failure in year 2017 of Caltech University
code word
--> Coffin --> Co + ff + In
--> Code Hex'ff' = 255 = High-values ...
input to the base 16 Hex"AF" = 175 --> AF --> Afterlife region of human atomic existence
AND its atomic DATABASE continuation as explained
by RicharD. P Feynman and his phase of existence in the AF = Caltech AFTERLIFE
..................DP --> Data Processing and the serious problems and communications failure in year 2017 of Caltech University
and explained by the atomic continuum MARIA DATABASE and its links to
citizen / Federal government secret bull-shit schemes approved by
citizen / Federal government secret bull-shit schemes approved by
FermiLAB intellectual prison .
BlogEngine.Net/Widget ... Container ......
alias coffin container ..... of the Paul Dirac human atomic orbitals ...
Base 2 even integer orbitals 2, 4 , 6, 8 ....
that STILL contain the acurate and serious empirical DATA, theory and equations ..... information they ......
the atomic and molecular orbitals ..... information that received VIA their existence in the EARTH LAB human BIOLOGY skin CONTAINER ..while Paul Dirac was alive and a thinking adult
BlogEngine. Contribute to BlogEngine.Net development by creating an account on GitHub.Base 2 even integer orbitals 2, 4 , 6, 8 ....
Base 2 even integer orbitals 2, 4 , 6, 8 .... EVEN ...
data bit .....
Base 2 even integer orbitals 2, 4 , 6, 8 .... EVEN and
ODD ....... integer orbitals 1, 3, 5. 7 .. ODD integers
used for solid state physics ... even electron enegry UNITs and levels
..thus the
Piermaria Odd --> one = 1 ...... three = 3 ... five = 5 - Wikipedia 
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director |
UChicago biased and incomplete News 
Thus the violations of the citizen / Federal government of the Z integer continuum .....
PDF]List of Mathematical Symbols •
R = real numbers and R = Reality perceptions
Z = integers and WORLD WAR Z announcement
N = natural numbers,
Q = rational numbers,
P = irrational numbers... 
BlogEngine.Net/ Widget Container at master · rexdf/BlogEngine.Net ... 
BlogEngine. Contribute to BlogEngine.Net development by creating an account on GitHu
Paul Dirac alive ... Biology AND thinking math, atoms, chemistry,etc ......
Paul Dirac dead.....B....log --> his body .... is a BLOG information container
Paul Dirac dead.....B....log --> his body .... is a BLOG information container
...that now goes into the passive or inactive state relative to
to their atomic bio-data processing LIFE when he was alive and reading textbooks and doing calculations,etc.
However, the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE burial at Roselawn LINKS
to the Carl Jung periodic atomic table .....
the atomic continuum and the atom THOUGHT continuum ..
thus the Carl Jung atomic collective GROUP MIND .. whose thoughts .. TRY to rise up thru the levels of sub-conscious to the VISIBLE surface level .....
to the Carl Jung periodic atomic table .....
the atomic continuum and the atom THOUGHT continuum ..
thus the Carl Jung atomic collective GROUP MIND .. whose thoughts .. TRY to rise up thru the levels of sub-conscious to the VISIBLE surface level .....
the information display level recognizable by informed human consciousness
,,, older and wiser and informed VIA science textbook and actual high school / basic college ....
physics and chemistry LAB experiments.
Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The University of Chicago 
“More than 100 human burials lay before me” stammered Paul Sereno, paleontologist
“More than 100 human burials lay before me” stammered Paul Sereno, paleontologist
“More than 100 human bur ials --> Buffer Orbitals ......
lay before me” stammered Paul Sereno (Paul alive)
in the EARTH LAB ... Schrodinger CAT in the BOX
and Paul Dirac and Linus Pauling (Paul biology dead .... BUT thoughts alive via textbooks and the burial container ..containing atom even integer DATA orbitals ....
LINKED to the Maria database DOCKING PIER of alive atomic humanoid Pier MARIA at FermiLAB ........
that refuse to have diplomatic communications regarding SCIENCE
and the Alan Sokal "SCIENCE WARS and Neuroscience WARS"
and the CP SNOW "TWO CULTURES problems
Paul Sereno
- Paleontologist explains the
earthly Einstein-Rosen bridge between 2 earth soils/land wormholes
.....Tallahasee and Morocco earth ground holes with earth worms .....code name --> wormholes and Levels of EARTH languages per Nikola Tesla models
| The University of Chicago 
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle 
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same .
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same .
A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same .....
and the Paul Sereno ....
...........................e no ----> earth node --> Earth communications node using
the sin waves /oscillations / alternating cycles and their various energy
and communication abilities and features .
Versions of the abstraction ladder ..
above ground, obviously visible levels
below ground, indirectly visible thru studies and RD, etc
other formats ,... music and blood arteries SOFTWARE output VIA art paintings,etc
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages 
Apr 22, 2008 - S. I. Hayakawa's Language in Thought and Action has been one of the ... of levels 35; not just any type of confusion !), or mistake maps for territories (36). ..... The «ladder of abstraction» represents the way in which human ...
Divide Or Conquer: How Great Teams Turn Conflict Into Strength 
Diana McLain Smith - 2008 - Business & Economics
... the even earlier work of Alfred Korzybski of "the map is not the territory" fame. Hayakawa's notion, called the Abstraction Ladder, shows how we use language
Two Predatory Dinosaurs Unearthed in Morocco - UChicago News 
Carcharodontosaurus - Paul Sereno - The University of Chicago 
Carcharodontosaurus | Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The University ... 
Carcharodontosaurus is Africa’s answer to Tyrannosaurus.
One of the largest carnivores that ever walked on earth,
Carcharodontosaurus, had 6-inch-long serrated teeth. Sereno
Car......................................6...................ser---> agent Ser need to LINK to
Carbon atomic number 6
ser(rated) teeth ---> become atomic super-symmetry mirror --> Teeth Mr.ser(eno)
Thus the achiral codes --> of ac + chi --> chicago Paul Serano and
his ac codes --> age 29 female agent and code 110 year old --> pointer to ac signal --> alternating cycle signal from
the copper metal wire 29 electron ......
Nature's en ---> energy / english language
..... CITY of electri.CITY
Black Holes and Einstein Rosen Bridges - ST-v-SW.Net 
Space Phenomenon. 1.3 Black Holes and Einstein Rosen Bridges. In 1963, the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr found that if a black hole is rotating a ...
Black Holes
Black Holes application on EARTH geography surface
Black Holes ... Paul Dirac burial in a BLACK HOLE .....
now becomes a worm HOLE ....
............................wo RM
..........................two ROOM ...... existential physics region ...
that is the BLOG ENGINE container (the coffin and Paul Dirac body of knowledge STILL contained in his atom even integer database ...
..... this his physical biology body ...
the alive atomic bio-computer SYSTEM 370 at 37.0 degrees temperature Celsius is now dead .....
however, the atomic IBM system 370 SY1.CATALOG and the atomic Maria database and Myoglobin protein MySQL database still have existence and message links TO -->
interface agents LIKE Piermaria Oddone
from the Galapagaos Islands /Peru region of evolution
Thus the Paul Dirac coffin BOX .. a Schrodinger BOX
and its 2 states of history and current existence ...
and interface to the Carl Jung atomic collective of the periodic tables
and code --> However
--> Ho + w + ever
--> H2O water molecule continuum and cellulose evergreen trees
with all weather, all temperatures. year around metabolism ....
by the hot summers and cold winters of Norway / Sweden
and QueBEC ... Bose-Einstein Condensate region
..EARTH LAB site
..... the MOROCCO wormhole (using Fez Morocco proper noun)
- Paul (alive) LINK
Paul (dead at Roselawn ..atomic Rosen Einstein communications bridge)
- The University of Chicago 
Sereno and his team unearthed the Carcharodontosaurus skull in the Moroccan Sahara in 1995, solving a mystery borne from the destruction of World War II.
Missing: map
The EARTH mantle language (see Mickey Mantle geology levels and baseball codes)
/ carbon atomic .. language levels ....communications bridge VIA the SYMBOL MACHINE and data provided by Paul Sereno and carbon continuum expression device
--> car --> Jawbone of Carcharo of Morocoo LINKS to
the carbon hierarchy CATER HOTEL
and jawbones of the alive Morocco-American agent
/ carbon atomic .. language levels ....communications bridge VIA the SYMBOL MACHINE and data provided by Paul Sereno and carbon continuum expression device
--> car --> Jawbone of Carcharo of Morocoo LINKS to
the carbon hierarchy CATER HOTEL
and jawbones of the alive Morocco-American agent
Joseph Chetrit, Moroccan Real Estate Mogul Buys Hotel Carter in New ... 
Joseph Chetrit Cuts Deal to Buy Hotel Carter in Times Square - WSJ 
Sep 4, 2014 - ... to pay more than $190 million to acquire the Hotel Carter, a 600-room ... Joseph Chetrit, a Moroccan-born investor whose family worked in ...
The 600-room Hotel Carter,
The 600-room Hotel Carter,
The 600-room Hotel Carter ..... Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION equation's of
with proton / protein prose
The 600-room Hotel Carter,
The 600-room Hotel Carter (HC)
The 600-room Hydro-carbon molecule social chemistry expression site of human social levels /tiers of molecules and their tiers/ echelon levels ..upper class and social rites and activities , middle class , etc
For sale: Dirtiest hotel in America, only $180 million and
C = 180,000 velocity of light + 6,000 years = 186,000 - CNBC.com 
Jun 4, 2014 - The 600-room Hotel Carter, just off New York's Times Square on West 43rd Street , was a three-time "winner" of Tripadvisor's dirtiest hotel in ...
Missing: morocco
Is the Ear audio nerve BRAIN or the EARTH 6,000 Years Old?
- The Real Truth between EAR people /BS
serious EYE people
“Young Earth” creationists interpret the Genesis account to mean that the universe was created 6,000 years ago. This age is determined by counting the ...
How do we know that the earth is 6,000 years
How do we know that the earth is 6,000 years
How do we know that the ear....is 6,000 ears .......
The 600-room Hotel Carter, just off New York's Times Square on West 43rd Street , was
n West 43rd Street ........ secret geo-physics location codes
n West 43rd Street ,
n West 43rd Street , --> number 43 link to Max Planck and Stephen Hawking -->
n West 43rd Street ..above words --> getting past this last frontier ,
n West 43rd Street ,
n West 43rd Street ..Last frontier --> Western frontier style shooting
..Western frontier battle in Milwaukee
..Western frontier battle in Milwaukee
Milwaukee Airport (MKE) | Frontier Airlines ...
and the astrophysics/ aerodynamic message .....
Hawking ..... Last frontier battlefield ...
number 43 ...... prime integer 43 battles in Milwaukee region 
Above, Becher Street --> BEC shut down problems .................
Bose–Einstein Condensate (BEC) - Wikipedia 
A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero Under such conditions, a ...
States of Matter: Bose-Einstein Condensate - Live Science 
www.livescience.com › Planet Earth
May 6, 2016 - A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter in which extremely cold atoms clump together and act as if they were a single atom.
A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter
A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter
A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter .....
the Wisconsin STATE of Matter
and number 43rd
rd --> research &development ... LINK to
rd---> 3rd Street (also known Highway 26) Watertown, Wisconsin...
the Wisconsin STATE of Matter
and number 43rd
rd --> research &development ... LINK to
rd---> 3rd Street (also known Highway 26) Watertown, Wisconsin...
year 1958 ...
Iron-58 isotope LINK to 58th Street Milwaukee and
the Aunt Bertha Staerker who owned a few shares of Santa Fe (Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON)
Iron-58 isotope LINK to 58th Street Milwaukee and
the Aunt Bertha Staerker who owned a few shares of Santa Fe (Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON)
while Uncle Max Staerker
who loved railroads and read the National Geographic magazine ...which contained full page ads by the Santa Fe railroad ..... that I as a young man noticed .....
who loved railroads and read the National Geographic magazine ...which contained full page ads by the Santa Fe railroad ..... that I as a young man noticed .....
and older and wiser ....with the living language and the SYMBOL MACHINE ...Staerker ...
....aer + ker --> aerodynamics and the Kerr factor signals of Stephen Hawking
....aer + ker --> aerodynamics and the Kerr factor signals of Stephen Hawking
Is 43 a prime number? | Reference.com 
https://www.reference.com › Math › NumbersAs there are no other numbers that can be completely divided into the number 43 without anything being left over, that makes 43 a member of the set of prime ...
Is 43 a prime number? |
The integer 43 battle for CONTROL of southeastern Wisconsin cities and towns.
Is the integer 19 a prime number? Yes, of course it ... - Numere prime.ro 
Positive integers that are only dividing by themselves and number 1 are called prime numbers. A composite number is a positive integer that has at least one ...
Is the integer 19 a prime number?
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ... 
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man
Geopoliticus Ch il --> Chicago Illinois ....... Watching the Birth of the New Manuscript of Nature's systems
“One of the most physically demanding expeditions I have ever been on.” – Paul SerenoThe expedition to Morocco yielded five incredible finds:
a skull of the huge predator Carcharodontosaurus,
a partial skeleton of the fleet footed Deltadromeus,skull bones and teeth of the long,
lost dinosaur Spinosaurus,
a pond deposit with complete skeletons of the bichir (reed fish), Serenoichthys and complete crabs, and an extensive footprint zone recording thousands of dinosaur tracks.
Team member Gabrielle Lyon discovered the skeleton of Deltadromeus.
The trip to Morocco wasn’t as arduous as traveling across the Sahara desert,
but still required a long journey with the trucks and equipment.
Team members flew to London,
unpacked the equipment and loaded the trucks in England,
ferried to France and drove across Spain, crossed the Mediterranean at Gibraltar,
and drove across Morocco
to finally begin the dig .....
Mo + roc --> Human molecules from the University of C = Carbon located in Chicago .......
and their ancient primordial carbon INSTINCT motivates their carbon life forms to journey to Europe and then Africa .....
in their carbon atomic instinct
HOMING urge to rendezvous with
Car --> carbon atoms of Carcharodontosaurus ......
thus the Chicago human convergence to the Molecular region of convergence
..EARTH LAB site
..... the MOROCCO wormhole (using Fez Morocco proper noun)
- Paul (alive) LINK
Paul (dead at Roselawn ..atomic Rosen Einstein communications bridge)
using Fez
using Function earth Z-axis rise-up/rose / up up TALL and link to
atomic commander Paul Dirac in the ROSE ..... his thoughts ROSE from the DEAD .... in Roselawn Cemetary --> Cemeter CEMT control panel
CEMT SET commands - IBM 
CEMT - master terminal - IBM 
Use CEMT to invoke all the master terminal functions. The master terminal program provides dynamic user control of the CICS system. ... CEBT for alternate CICS systems (see CEBT - master terminal (alternate CICS))
CEMT INQUIRE commands - IBM 
of the casket of Philando Castille by Roseville / Falcon Heights ....
........... ask ................ inquire .....
............task ....................
Shooting of Philando Castile in the carbon atomic number 6 WARS
- Wikipedia 
Date: July 6, 2016
Charges: Second-degree manslaughter; Two ...
Location: Larpenteur Avenue and Fry Street, F...
Arrest(s): Officer Jeronimo Yanez
Judge refuses to dismiss charges
against copper atomic CITY agent ... cop in Philando Castile's ... 
Thus we have the
Paul Dirac Roselawn cemetery WORMHOLE connection to
St.Paul (Dirac) Roseville/Falocn Height region and the WORHOLE of Philando Cast --> Caste
AND his link to the Hindu caste levels as explained by Samuel DuBose of CinCinnati and Satyendra Nath Bose
Below, the a parallel model for socially refined people
Guilt | Define Guilt and the mirror word --> quilt d at Dictionary.com 
Guilt definition, the fact or state of having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, especially against moral or penal law; culpability: He admitted his guilt.
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel - Wikipedia 
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel, or simply Hilbert's Hotel, is a thought experiment which illustrates a counterintuitive property of infinite sets.
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel - Simple English Wikipedia, the ... 
Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel is a mathematical paradox named after the German mathematician David Hilbert. Hilbert used it as an example to show how ..
Understanding Hilbert's Grand Hotel Paradox - Math and Multimedia 
May 26, 2014 - How can a hotel with infinitely many rooms all occupied accommodate an infinitely many guest? This is explained in this article, the Grand
Understanding Hilbert's Grand
Understanding Hilbert's Grand ... mathematics war zone PLAYED out in
2015 Grand 16 ...... Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia 
On July 23, 2015, a shooting occurred at the Grand 16 movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. John Russell Houser, age 59, opened fire during a showing of the ...
On July 23, 2015, a shooting occurred at the Grand 16 movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. John Russell Houser, age 59, opened fire during a showing of the ...
The Notation in Principia Mathematica(PM) ....
(Stanford Encyclopedia of ... 
Aug 19, 2004 - Principia Mathematica [PM] by A.N. Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, published 1910–1913 in three volumes by Cambridge University Press
Facts and Case Summary - Miranda v. Arizona | United States Courts 
The Supreme Court’s decision in Miranda v. Arizona addressed four different cases involving custodial interrogations. ... Miranda v. Arizona: Miranda was arrested at his home and taken in custody to a police station where he was identified by the complaining witness.
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia 
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
Shooting wars ..... Miranda --> Mir + ran + da
Language WAR codes --> Mirror Ran Differential amplifier
Shooting wars ..... Miranda --> Mir + ran + da
Language WAR codes --> Mirror Ran Differential amplifier
Language WAR codes --> Ran
Language WAR codes --> Ran
Language WAR codes --> Boston Ran 26 miles ..... the bombing
Above words ---> need for integration
integration of Central High School - Black History - HISTORY.com 
Central High School integrated - Sep 25, 1957 -
HISTORY of Iron-57 isotope in year 57
Central High School integrated in year 1957
--> Iron-57 code 57 integrated with the grid-iron of
57th Street at the University of Chicago
Thus we have the secret --> atom atom -->
...........................atomic ......... tomato ..languages
...........................atomic ......... tomato ..languages
IBM tribal groups ....
.............bal --> Basic assembler language used in Bali, Indonesia and modern ballet bio-computers
Assembler instruction statements in dance ......
body language FORMAT
- IBM 
www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSENW6...ibm.hlasm...asma400/assinst.htmThis chapter describes, in detail, the syntax and usage rules of each assembler instruction. There is also information about assembly instructions on Conditional ...
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra 
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis. He was in Tae Kwon Do ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline 
Samuel O. Hengel ...... execution of Scout ... Boy Scout
- EH Extra 
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis. He was in Tae Kwon Do ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline 
JES2 job execution commands - IBM 
JES2 allows you to issue commands to control job execution in the following ways: Route specified jobs for execution: Issue the $R XEQ,D= command to route ...
Force job execution - IBM 
Force job execution
Force job execution ............
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel execution and cover-up ... 
Above code name --> Ferrie --.> agent for Ferrous oxide IRON atom and its
atomic alphabet 26 letters.
Boston Marathon Event Information - Boston Athletic Association 
www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/event-information.aspxBoston Marathon Mile 27 - Official Post-Race Party presented by Samuel Adams · Volunteer ... DISTANCE: 26 MILES ...
the Boston runners attack upon the EARTH
iron core and Earth mantle language 26 alphabet/ dictionary, linquistics , and semantics
Boy Scouts of America | Prepared. For Life.® 
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra 
to Troop 1054
to Troop 1054
to Troop 1054 --> iron-54 agent with 26 atomic alphabet letters
Boston 26 miles of bull-shit lines in newspapers and citizens talking dribble
Boston 26 miles of bull-shit lines in newspapers and citizens talking dribble
Nature's social engineering systems revenge in BOSTON (atomic number 26)
for the MURDER of Sam Hengel (IRON-54 agent in Troop 1054)
Iron Mountain tons and
Boy Scouts VS Boylston Street
Boy_ S..............tons
Boy Scouts VS Boylston Street
Boy_ S..............tons
Boylston Street ..... Darwin word selection of battle site
Isaac Asimov infer --> fer --> Ferrous oxide IRON and human blood
HE...iron ME group Fe(2) ion and bio-social science SOFTWARE
the blood SOFTWARE ...... rootworm trap ....
...................................................two rm --> 2 rooms.............................................roots ... 2 algebra roots of the quadratic equations..
Thus we have the EARTH atmosphere and oxygen equations.
Thus the algebra roots of O = Oxygen
using the quadratic equation application .....
The 2 roots of Oxygen are + 4 and - 4
An example of the xy axis used by
Oxy --> O = origin and x horizontal line and Y vertical line axis
Thus the LINKS of the oxygen algebra roots to .....
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (Cosimo ... 
[PDF]ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of ... 
Schopenhauer that expand on themes from his book The World as Will and Representation. In On the Fourfold Root he takes the principle of sufficient reason ...
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason - Wikipedia 
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason is an elaboration on the classical Principle of Sufficient Reason written by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer
the Fourfold Root --> four = 4
the Four ..... fold Root to the
the Eight fold Root with Eight = atomic number 8 of oxygen
........... Cell-Man ,
.............. Cell-Manuscript
............ Cell-Man evolution in the Gravity field on EARTH
........... Gell-Mann,
Murray Gell-Mann beathes oxygen atomic 8 (Eight) into his LUNGS
..... the Eightfold Way, Quarks, and Quantum ... 
Murray Gell-Mann's "eightfold way" contributed significantly to the classification of elementary particles and their interactions.
The Eightfold Way BATTLE in Oklahoma City
Theorist Murray Gell-Mann (and, independently, Yuval Ne'eman) discovered a theory that organized all the particles into families with properties mathematically the same as those of a "group of eight" in abstract algebra. Gell-Mann called it "The Eightfold Way."
Oklahoma City FED building ... FOLDS into elementary particles
- Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Eightfold Way | physics | Britannica.com 
Eightfold Way
Eightfold Way atomic soldier ..... agent
Eight --> McVeigh(t) and the Fed building FOLDS
Above words .. botton 3rd line up -->
On November 4, 1995 -->
......N .............4....99 ----> Nitrogen <4 DNA bases
with guanine and adenine (nine = 9)
Godzin - Polish - English Translation and Examples - MyMemory 
tangent - definition of tanzania tangent in English | Oxford Dictionaries 
a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved s... Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries.
Tangent -- from Tanzania LAW SCHOOL
and Wolfram MathWorld 
mathworld.wolfram.com › ... › Constants › Transcendental Root Constants
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
The word "tangent" also has an important related meaning as a line or plane which touches a given curve or solid at a single point. These geometrical objects are then called a tangent line or tangent plane, respectively.
Markov chain - Wikipedia 
In probability theory and related fields, a Markov process (or Markoff process), named after the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, is a stochastic process that satisfies the Markov property (sometimes characterized as "memorylessness").
Markov Chains explained visually - Setosa 
Chapter 11, Markov Chains 
Markov Chains - brain SOS Math 
the probability of moving
from state j to state i.
The Treaty of Lausanne of 24 July 1923 led to the international recognition of the sovereignty of the newly formed "Republic of Turkey" as the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, and the republic was officially proclaimed on 29 October 1923 in Ankara, the country's new capital.
Turkey and States of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia 
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan DEMO explains of Ergodic states - Wikipedia 
2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia 
Turkey coup attempt: World leaders warn President Erdogan not to ... 
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
Turkish president wants U.S. to
send rival cleric home ............
Solar System electromagnetic FIELD expression agent --> cleric
- CNN.com 
Karl Marx - Wikipedia 
Karl Marx was a Prussian-born scientist, philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and ..... In earlier years, Marx had been able to communicate with the broad masses of the working class by editing his own newspaper or editing a ...
Nationality: Germany, stateless
Main interests: Politics, economics, philosophy, ...
School: Marxism
Era: 19th-century philosophy
Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right 1844 
as it has gripped the masses.
as it has gripped the masses.
as it has gripped the masses.
as it has gripped the atomic masses VIA atomic mass in humanoid FORMAT
--> human expression agents
--> human expression agents
Karl Marx, 1818-1883 - The History Guide 
The philosopher, social scientist, historian and revolutionary, Karl Marx, is without a doubt the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the 19th century. Although he was largely ignored by scholars in his own lifetime, his social, economic and political ideas gained ...
Karl Marx - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
KarL Marx - Facts & Summary
Where did the Rx symbol come from? -
Ask Karl maRX History students 
Code name--> peter bondra --> pet bond --> petroleum bonds ...hydrocarbon molecule BONDS and the organic chemistry .... molecular social chemistry continuum
Alkane agents in Kane County - Wikipedia 
In organic chemistry, an alkane, or paraffin (a historical name that also has other meanings), is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon. In other words, an alkane consists of hydrogen and carbon atoms arranged in a tree structure in which all the carbon-carbon bonds are single.
Organic Chemistry/ Alkanes and their human representatives
- Wikibooks, open books for an open world 
Alkanes are the simplest organic molecules, consisting of only carbon and hydrogen and with only single bonds between carbon atoms. Alkanes are used as the basis for naming the majority of organic compounds (their nomenclature). Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2.
Above, line 2 codes -->
Bondra desire for the six year ........... subset codes
Bond.....desire for carbon 6 (six)
Bondra desire for the six year ........... subset codes
Bond.....desire for carbon 6 (six) communications
connections .....LINK to
Duality of the laws of nature
Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended .......
Peter Bondra and Ian Fleming
and their proper noun connections to Nature's information fabric
and their proper noun connections to Nature's information fabric
Above ..line 3 --> 477 goals in his 14 year history ..... in other words
4 DNA nuclcotides with nitrogen 7 electrons and 7 protons
.. .goals in his nitrogen atomic mass 14 history
Above bottom 2 lines -->
in September he signed for relative .....
... 505,000 deal ..................... translated using alphabet ....
in September --> letter S is equilvent to number 19
in September --> letter S is the graphic arts shape of number 5
Therefore ......
... 505,000 deal ..... suggests
.....S05 deal .... suggests
....1905 ....... year 1905 messages of Einstein ..
thus ....
in September he signed for relative ..... theory deal .....
... 1905 deal
The Year Of Albert Einstein | Science | Smithsonian 
The 1905 Papers
Concerning an Heuristic Point of View Toward the Emission and Transformation of Light. Annalen der Physik 17 (1905): 132-148.http://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu/vol2-trans/100
Explanation of the photoelectric effect with use of the quantum hypothesis of Planck. Light is a flow of corpuscular objects with definite energies - Planck's quanta of energy.
On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in Stationary Liquids Required by the Molecular-Kinetic Theory of Heat. Annalen der Physik 17 (1905): 549-560.
On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. Annalen der Physik 17 (1905): 891-921.
Invention of the theory of special relativity. Beginnings of the relativistic era in physics.
Invention of the theory of special relativity, E = mc2. Beginnings of the relativistic era in physics
in September he signed for relative .....
... 505,000 deal ..................... translated using alphabet ....
in September --> letter S is the graphic arts shape of number 5
THUS number 505 --> pointer to SOS ..... help request in article printed
October 3,2005 ................ code
O............32 --> Oxygen molecule mass 32 request of humans with LUNGS that breath oxyegn and have self-awareness and awarensss
of the existence of EARTH, earth atmosphere oxygen, and the basic processes of oxygen life as described in high science biology, chemistry, and physics books
Above bottom line ..number 53 ..... DNA direction
Above words
LINE ...... 32 year old Bulin Wall ,,..... oxygen molecule(O2) 32
LINE ,,,,,, there's a lot of pressure --> pointer to CO2 and carbonation process of soda water under pressure
Above words
LINE ...... 32 year old Bulin Wall ,,..... oxygen molecule(O2) 32
LINE ,,,,,, there's a lot of pressure --> pointer to CO2 and carbonation process of soda water under pressure
Anyone familiar with carbonation pressure levels for soda ... 
Jul 6, 2011 - Anyone familiar with carbonation pressure levels for soda? ... dispenser would offer a range of pressures for CO2 suitable for their equipment.
Cocktail Science: All About Carbonation and
soda POP and POPlawski rigged information TRIAL in Pittsburg Serious Eats 
Above number 4:30 --> pointer to number 43 ...........and year 1943 Milwaukee
Execution date set for cop-killer Richard Poplawski | TribLIVE 
Jan 18, 2017 - Richard Poplawski is led out of Judge Jeffrey Manning's courtroom at the Allegheny County Courthouse in downtown Pittsburgh on Tuesday, ...
Richard Poplawski arrested in the grocery store CO2 wars ......
biased soda water drinking DISTRICT ATTORNEY
and his digestive system BRAIN ...... files formal CO2 charges on behalf of the COM (Carbon Oxygen Molecule) .....
COMmunity of LUNG breathers with BS output ... of CO2 data carrier molecules of mass 44
The people of Pittsburg
contamination |
the CO2 data cycle of Nature with their inaccurate thoughts, nonsense , and incomplete explanations of tragic signaling EVENTS
Pop law carbonation agent ---> Poplawki convicted of killing 3 police officers, gets stay of execution ... 
Anyone familiar with Pittsburg BS and carbonation pressure levels for soda ... 
Cocktail Science: All About Carbonation and
soda POP and POPlawski rigged information TRIAL in Pittsburg Serious Eats 
Santa Fe Railway - Kansapedia - Kansas Historical Society 
https://www.kshs.org › Research › Kansapedia › Theme
Santa Fe Railway construction At the center of the nation, Kansas served as a crossroads to the West. Trails traversed the area even before the Santa Fe Trail ...
History | Santa Fe Railyard and Santa Claus ......
The EARTH Fe = Ferrous oxide iron core VIA
the NORTH Pole magnetic field flow lines that interact
with EARTH geography surface humans with iron blood
S 58th St and IRON-58 human interfaces ....
year 1958 ............ Milwaukee, WI 53219 | MLS# 1491843 - Redfin 
Anyone familiar with Pittsburg BS and carbonation pressure levels for soda ... 
Jul 6, 2011 - Anyone familiar with carbonation pressure levels for soda? ... dispenser would offer a range of pressures for CO2 suitable for their equipment.
Cocktail Science: All About Carbonation and
soda POP and POPlawski rigged information TRIAL in Pittsburg Serious Eats 
Above article words --> march 16,2007 --> pointer to Jerry March and EARTH ground hydrocarbon oil wells .... 16 carbon atoms in 1 diesel fuel molecule
its military alliance with EARTH atmosphere ...... oxygen atom 16
used in the INTERNAL COMBUSTION engine wars in the United States
to COMPUTER EARTH geography surface andIBM base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16 in Wisconsin
that is used by cars and trucks with INTERNAL COMBUSTION engines
that have a [parallel SYMBOL ENGINE descriptions.
Above number and codes --> NA2040 ...23.99 --> Pointer to Na 23 sodium atom used in sodium chloride SALT treaty molecule
Above number and codes --> NA2040 ...23.99 --> Pointer 99 --> nine nine --> the 2 DNA nucleotides with number 9 (nine) -->
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia 
Vang information trace - Wikipedia 
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded.
Although Vang acknowledged that he committed a shooting, there is significant dispute regarding the chain of events that caused the situation to become violent, with evidence indicating that Vang was being followed and called racial slurs by the shooting victims.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul (Dirac) region , Minnesota
and the Dirac Matrices war zone played out at
................................rice --> Rice Lake, Wisconsin
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary
is imprisoned at the
An am --> Atomic number ..... atomic mass prison
Anamosa State Penitentiary
... periodic atomic table prison
The Iowa State Penitentiary (ISP) is an Iowa Department of Corrections maximum security prison for men located in the Lee County, Iowa community of Fort Madison. ISP is part of a larger correctional complex. The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 --> atomic number 55 of ferrous oxide IRON
used by human blood HEME Fe(2) group
Although Vang acknowledged that he committed a shooting, there is significant dispute regarding the chain of events that caused the situation to become violent, with evidence indicating that Vang was being followed and called racial slurs by the shooting victims.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul (Dirac) region , Minnesota
and the Dirac Matrices war zone played out at
................................rice --> Rice Lake, Wisconsin
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary
is imprisoned at the
An am --> Atomic number ..... atomic mass prison
Anamosa State Penitentiary
... periodic atomic table prison
The Iowa State Penitentiary (ISP) is an Iowa Department of Corrections maximum security prison for men located in the Lee County, Iowa community of Fort Madison. ISP is part of a larger correctional complex. The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 person maximum security unit
The ISP itself is a 550 --> atomic number 55 of ferrous oxide IRON
used by human blood HEME Fe(2) group
I am the Lord thy God - Wikipedia 
"I am the LORD thy God" (KJV, also "I am Yahweh your God" NJB, WEB) is the opening phrase of the Ten Commandments, which are widely understood as moral imperatives by ancient legal historians and Jewish and Christian biblical scholars.
In the Name of Thy Lord, the Creator... - Bahá'í Prayers 
In the Name of Thy Lord, the Creator, the Sovereign, the All-Sufficing, the Most Exalted, He Whose help is implored by all men. ... O Thou Who art the Maker of the heavens and of the earth, O Lord of the Kingdom! ... Let Thy celestial aid surround those who love Thee, and bestow upon us ...
O Thou Who art the Maker of the heavens and of the earth
O Thou Who art the Maker of the heavens and of the earth
O Thou Who art the Maker of the heavens and of the ear th
O Thou Who art the Maker of the heavens and of the ear thoughts --> EAR people level
of advanced intellectual thought ..... especially in engineering equations, aerodynamics, etc
2015 Chattanooga shootings - Wikipedia 
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on July 16, 2015. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to ... A Navy sailor, a Marine recruiter , and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later.
Chat/ talk trivia/ brag, bill-shit and bitch over nothing .....
Chatttanooga shooting:
4 Marine killed in Tennessee - CNN.com 
4 Marine killed in ............see / Nature's human eye and
its optical SOFTWARE
versus Washington DC and the Pentagon supremacy VIEWS ......
and its consequence ERRORS -
Grand Design WAR played out at Grand 16 shooting - Gunman opens fire at a showing of "Trainwreck ... 
Grand 16 shooting report recounts incident through witnesses 
The human bio-computer and the skin/dermatology secret BEDROOM infra-red languages that are emitted from the female HOT BODY..
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 19 ..... English language ,...... the living language WAR played out ....
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. ... Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19, 1995. At 9:02 a.m., a rental truck packed with explosives detonated in front of the ...
Oklahoma City Bombing ...... Fast Facts Cover-up schemes
by the Washington Post newspaper and Georgetown University
- CNN.com 
www.cnn.com/2013/09/18/us/oklahoma-city-bombing-fast-facts/Mar 30, 2016 - Read Fast Facts from CNN about the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 19, 1995.
Aceh Party - Wikipedia 
The Aceh Party (Indonesian: Partai Aceh) is a regional political party in Indonesia . It contested the 2009 elections in the province of Aceh, and is the largest party ...
Aceh (acetylcholine neurotransmiiter EXPRESSION group)
National Party - Wikipedia 
The Aceh National Party (Indonesian: Partai Nasional Aceh) is a regional political party in Indonesia. It was established as a result of a split within the Aceh Party ...
Aceh Peace Party
(expresses OUTPUT messages in
EXTERNAL visible display format (human activities) for
INTERNAL thought molecules built by Nature's systems
- Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aceh_Peace_PartyThe Aceh Peace Party (Indonesian: Partai Damai Aceh), formerly the Aceh Sovereignty Party (Indonesian: Partai Daulat Aceh) is a regional political party in ..
Aceh Party at FermiLAB, Batavia, Illinois
- Wikipedia 
The Aceh Party (Indonesian: Partai Aceh) is a regional political party in Indonesia . It contested the 2009 elections in the province of Aceh, and is the largest party ...
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as atomic neuroscience Fermilab director
| UChicago schemes and communications cover-up News 
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight
Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire ..the eight fold way SIGNAL
Aceh Party
Ac e Particles --> Alternating cycle electron particles and theri SOFTWARE thoughts ..... INSIDE the brain of Pier Oddone and his associates
his Galapagos Island/Peru evolution LINK
The mirror AN = Atomic number
AN <-----------> NA and the Department of Energy cover-up of
the murder of Hannah Graham
Murder of Hannah Graham - Wikipedia 
Murder of Hannah
Han <--------------> naH
........................... super-symmetry Language/ alphabet mirrors
of En --> English / Energy and Sartre existentialsm with existential physics
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia 
Shooting · Police officers involved · Aftermath · See also - Wikipedia 
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a carbon black ..carbon 12 --> 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
Above article...woman brags about the Kennedy assassination ......
22 Kids ,,,CAUSE and EFFECT
22 K = Kenendy
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ... 
https://www.jfklibrary.org › JFK › JFK in History
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, ...
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 - HISTORY.com 
Cairo - Wikipedia 
Above words .....middle columns --> six children --> six c --> 6 carbon
Advanced pupil education systems ... 3 pupils of existence ...1 physical biology body in school and 2 eye pupils ..... that need math and science books STUDY and EXERCISES .......
.as a hobby when are 40 to 60 years old .Cho ... the murder of Mr. CHO ... born in year 1984
- Wikipedia 
Jump to Virginia Tech shooting - Seung-Hui Cho was a South Korean expatriate spree killer and mass murderer who killed 32 people and wounded 17 ...
Virginia Tech eye / English department ERRORS .....
. the optical battle field shooting - Wikipedia 
Weapons: Glock 19 pistol; Walther P22 pistol;
Non-fatal injuries: 23 (17 by gunfire):92
Deaths: 33 (including the perpetrator):127
Location: Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S
in two separate attacks,
approximately two hours apart,
before committing suicide (see 2 human drawing above)
Central Intelligence Agency - Wikipedia 
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United .... Aerial view of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, Langley, Virginia. The Directorate has four regional analytic groups, six groups for ...
Intelligence agency executives: Mike Pompeo, ...
Parent Intelligence agency: None (independent)
Preceding Intelligence agency: Office of Strate...
Headquarters: George Bush Center for Intellig...
Langley, Virginia - Wikipedia 
Langley is an unincorporated community in the census-designated place of McLean in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. Langley is often used as a metonym for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ...
George Bush Center for Intelligence - Wikipedia 
George Bush Center for Intelligence
Urban Dictionary: Gorgeous 
Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem - Phys.org 
https://phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
Sep 9, 2014 - In general relativity this is known as the no-hair theorem. The basic idea of the no -hair theorem is that the material properties of any object ...
https://phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America : NPR 
May 9, 2006 - In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed an immigration law that led ... Portuguese and Italians were complaining that immigration quotas ...
A little-known law that radically changed America - The Boston Globe 
Sep 27, 2015 - 'New Boston' sprang from the 1965 immigration act ... The Irish were safe, but Italians, Portuguese, and Jews felt the new restrictions. It was a ...
[PDF]Portuguese a Great Force in Fall River 
keep the same ethnic balance in immigration that was reflected in the national census of 1920. Prior to the Immigration Act of 1965, immigration quotas were set ...
1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America : NPR 
1965 Immigration Law Changed Face of America : NPR 
1965 Immigration Law Changed ....Face of Am
= Atomic mass perceptions of atomic social sciences: NPR
1965 Immigration Law Changed Earth geography electron surFace of America : NPR 
1965 Immigration Law Changed earth
.....65 Immigration Law Changed e ar th --> electron area thoughts with copper isotope 63 and 65 ..atomic masss and the
LAWS of the State of Mass ..... Massachusettes ...
Cu = copper metal wire and the atomic electron thought CITY within electri.CITY
Portuguese and human I/O Ports ...... Great Force in Fall River 
https://www.sailsinc.org/durfee/portugueseagreat.pdfkeep the same ethnic balance in immigration that was reflected in the national census of 1920. Prior to the Immigration Act of 1965, immigration quotas were set ...
Herald News Article of February 26,2003
John Dos Passos - Wikipedia 
John Roderigo Dos Passos was an American novelist and artist active in the first half of the twentieth century. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he graduated from ...
John Dos Passos | American novelist | Britannica.com 
John Dos Passos
John Dos Passos ...bio-computer DOS VS
Seattle/Bill Gates and MicroSoft DOS ..violations of
......................................Mic laws of Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE
systems ..................atoMIC ...
with Mickey Mantel ....expression agent EARTH's geology mantle
Mickey Mantel .
Mic key Man tel
atoMic key Manuscript /mantisssa telephone
Rhode Island - Wikipedia 
Rhode Island officially the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Rhode ...
Visit Rhode Island :: Welcome :: VisitRhodeIsland.com 
FREE Travel Guide Discover all Rhode Island has to offer. Get your guide · Free Travel Guide. A La Rhody Explore Rhode Island's rich heritage. Learn More ...
Rhode Island: Map, History, Population, Facts, Capitol, Flag, Tree ... 
www.infoplease.com › United States › States
Information on Rhode Island — economy, government, culture, state map and flag, major cities, points of interest, famous residents, state motto, symbols, ...
State parks: 14
U.S. Representatives: 2
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia 
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is IBM's proprietary networking architecture, created in 1974. It is a complete protocol stack for interconnecting computers ...
What is Systems Network Architecture (SNA)? - IBM 
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is a data communication architecture established by IBM to specify common conventions for communication among the wide array of IBM hardware and software data communication products and other platforms. Among the platforms that implement SNA in ...
IBM SNA Protocols - Cisco 
Dec 8, 1999 - IBM SNA-model components map closely to the OSI reference model. The descriptions that follow outline the role of each SNA component in ...
IBM SNA Protocols
IBM SNA atomic Proton colums .....
Nature's atomic systems Z interface to
IBM system 370 interface to a
human bio-computer 37.0 degrees temperature Mr. Z .. an RD analyst and human communications agent for Nature's systems and agents:
John Dalton, Faraday, Bacon, Johnson, Galileo, etc.
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia 
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest ...
AFTERSHOCKS: Local ties to Sterling Hall bombing remembered ... 
Silver Flatware - Sterling Silverware in Antique & Contemporary Styles 
Buy silver flatware from leading silverware brands such as Gorham, Towle, Wallace, Tuttle, International Silver, and Kirk Stieff.
Sterling Silver Flatware | SilverSuperStore.com 
View every sterling flatware pattern that's currently in production, all in one place and only at the best discount prices - SilverSuperstore.com 1-800-426-3057.
Sterling silver flatware - Place Setting & Serving Pieces 
Sterling, stainless, and silverplate. Free shipping on orders $99 and over.
Over 425,000 Patterns · Best Packing/Shipping · Hard-to-Find Tableware
Brands: Oneida, International Silver, Towle, Christofle, Lunt Silver, Kirk Stieff
Sterling .......... flatware - Place Setting .... Madison, Wisconsin
Ag ----> atomic symbol of silver and elegant dinnerware (food system END result)
Ag ---> abbreviation for word ..
agriculture /farming / corn and soybean crops ...... the START / beginning of food system continuum
agriculture /farming / corn and soybean crops ...... the START / beginning of food system continuum
START Ag ------> food systems -----> Ag ( Christmas dinner with Silverware)
Ag ----> atomic symbol of silver and elegant dinnerware (food system END result)
Ag ---> abbreviation for word ..
agriculture /farming / corn and soybean crops ...... the START / beginning of food system continuum
agriculture /farming / corn and soybean crops ...... the START / beginning of food system continuum
START Ag -----------> food systems --------> Ag ( Christmas dinner with Silverware)
Thus the living EARTH cell
...... of molecules and DNA molecule expressions and languages ....
...... of molecules and DNA molecule expressions and languages ....
Earth systems ....
continuum WARS ...... START code --> AUG --> therefore Darwin selection of the code word and the application AUG ---> AUGUST 1970 data generating event
continuum WARS ...... START code --> AUG --> therefore Darwin selection of the code word and the application AUG ---> AUGUST 1970 data generating event
START Ag -----------> food systems
which took place on August 24, 1970which took place on Aug --> START food wars of EARTH 1970
John Offer - 2000 - Philosophy
Volume 2 did not appear until ... that in social phenomena there is a general order of co-existence and sequence; and ...
The religion of philosophy or The unification of knowledge 
The relation of sequence is given in eveiy change of consciousness. ... The abstract of all sequences is Time ; the abstract of all co-existences is Space.
that in social phenomena there is a general order of co-existence and sequence; and ...
that in social phenomena there is a general order of co-existence and sequence; and ...
that in social phenomena there is a general order of co-existence and sequence; and ...
which took place on August 24, 1970which took place on August 24 --> START food wars ... sequencewhich took place on August 2 .. 1990 -->
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait - Wikipedia
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait error
Iraqi invasion of ......waiter / restaurant and grocery store WARs
The Invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990 was a 2-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait, which resulted in the ..
Kuwait–Iraq barrier
Kuwait–Iraq barrier VS Mayor Barrett of Milwaukee
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Jsonline 
Aug 16, 2009 - Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett gets a little emotional when he speaks to ... And it ended with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood with a broken hand after ... West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a ... Sunday in the mayor's beating, but detectives were questioning him.
Missing: tariq kuwait
Milwaukee mayor describes attack as 'very, very ugly' - CNN.com 
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett
...Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
DATABASE codes ......
blood barrett --> pointer to the
blood /brain barrier SOFTWARE wars
Kuwait–Iraq barrier
Kuwait–Iraq barrier
...internal BRAIN LANGUAGE software WAR ....
externalized and played out on the EARTH geography surface in Kuwait region
BAL: IBM 360 / 370 Assembly Language 
EM component of human life ..... and some Em Professors
Michigan Art Restoration and Conservation by Lis Art Conservation 
Fine Art Restorer Career Profile - The Balance 
https://www.thebalance.com › Your Career › Entertainment Careers › Fine Art Careers
Sep 19, 2016 - Profile of fine art restorer as a career describes what it entails to be a ... The fine art restoration includes cleaning the work and preserving it for ...
Professional Fine Art & Works on Paper Conservation. View Examples!
Photos & Books · Historical Artifacts · Gettysburg Address · Thirteenth Amendment
Services: Art Conservation & Restoration, Maps & Architectural Prints…
All About Heart Rate
(Pulse and Blood information flow DEMO)
- American Heart Association
of arrogance and elite INTELLECTUAL snobbery
Caring for your Treasures - Art Restoration Service 
(202) 452-9545
Download our guides on how to care for your heirlooms and works of art
Antique Restoration · Sculpture Restoration · Painting Restoration
Above calculus word of 1st derivative --> lower slopes
Calculus word of 1st derivative --> lower slopes .. and the battle of SLOPES played out the church slooping roof in Charleston.
Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Emanuel AME Church massacre ... 
Jan 10, 2017 - Just a few hours after he told a crowded courtroom, “I still feel like I had to do it,” Dylann Roof was sentenced to death by a federal jury Tuesday.
Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Emanuel
Dy........PRoof sentenced to death
Above words ....... engraving
--> en + graving --> creation of funerals / graves thru accidents, shootings, bombings, murder, disease
Above MAP picture .... keywords --->
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Alt + Tamir + mira
Cave of Altamira - Wikipedia
Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain ...
The cave of Altamira - Museo de Altamira
The cave of Altamira is the epitome of humankinds creative spirit. All the essential features of art converge at Altamira par excellence. Artistic techniques ...
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Alt ........
altitude 38,000 feet and the descent ... and the murder of LU= Logical Unit --> Lubitz
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Tamir .......
Darwin selection of SYMBOL WORLD proper noun ....
message VIA the tragic data generating event
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> mira
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia
Facts and Case Summary of the human brain .....
- Miranda v. Arizona | United States Courts(SC)
Miranda v. Arizona: After Miranda's conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court, the State of Arizona retried him. At the second trial, Miranda's confession was not introduced into evidence. Miranda was once again convicted and sentenced to 20-30 years in prison.
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Alt + Tamir + mira
Cave of Altamira - Wikipedia 
The Cave of Altamira located near the historic town Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain, is renowned for its numerous parietal cave paintings featuring ...
Cave of Altamira and Paleolithic Cave Art of Northern Spain ... 
whc.unesco.org › Culture › World Heritage Centre › The List
Seventeen decorated caves of the Paleolithic age were inscribed as an extension to the Altamira Cave, inscribed in 1985. The property will now appear on the ...
The cave of Altamira - Museo de Altamira 
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Alt ........
altitude 38,000 feet and the descent ... and the murder of LU= Logical Unit --> Lubitz
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> Tamir .......
Darwin selection of SYMBOL WORLD proper noun ....
message VIA the tragic data generating event
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia 
Altamira ....... DEATH code reports --> mira
Miranda v. Arizona - Wikipedia 
Jump to Opinion of the Supreme Court - Miranda v. Arizona. The Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination requires law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his or her rights to remain silent and to obtain an attorney. Supreme Court of Arizona reversed and remanded.
Facts and Case Summary of the human brain .....
ancient CAVE drawing SOFTWARE of the optical nerve ....
under attack by the FCC EM wave instructions broadcast directly
into the human bio-electron EM sections (brain STEM, temple, embryo)
- Miranda v. Arizona | United States Courts(SC)
... including STATES of MIND .....
receive from their clerks and lawyers sub-conscious (SC) MIND .......inaccurate,biased, manipulated and incomplete data 
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